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My brother gave me a few irises before he passed away in 05 they have never bloomed.Praying every Spring to see a bloom.Someone here told me to move them to a new spot.So in the fall I moved them did'nt think it would work but.Thank God it did I have a beautiful white bloom this morning and a few more buds.I did'nt think I would get a bloom for sure this spring but it has.


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aren't you glad you moved them. I have some that I moved that are so pretty now and they never did bloom where they were.
aren't you glad you moved them. I have some that I moved that are so pretty now and they never did bloom where they were.

Yes I'm glad I moved them should have already done it but.Alway's though next year I will have a bloom takes time.LOL Now I know they will I may have to get a few more colors.Suppose to have a two tone purple called congratulations and a blur one called full tide I bought from Lowes last spring.Maybe they will do well too.
Here are what mine looked like this year


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Sorry to post these as links but all my pics are on the gallery. These are from last year, I just haven't had a lot of free time to go get this years pics. Thought you might like to see them again since this is an Iris thread ;)
Scroll down to the full size picture.
If someone knows how to isolate your pictures from the gallery for a post , please let me know.
Spider, I'm so sorry about your Irises. I know how disappointed you must be. Mine are just now beginning to bloom, the white ones are always first to show off. I'll try and get some pics up soon.
This is a long shot but my curiousity is in high gear..Irises bloom in early Spring so what if you dig up the bulb and fridgerate for a few weeks and replant. Do you think it would grow and bloom again?? Any thoughts anyone??
Her iris are Bearded so I am afraid that they are done for the season. They may rebloom there in Alabama
I don't know about that but my purple and white iris re bloomed last fall. and they are still blooming a little.
This is a long shot but my curiousity is in high gear..Irises bloom in early Spring so what if you dig up the bulb and fridgerate for a few weeks and replant. Do you think it would grow and bloom again?? Any thoughts anyone??

That is certainly a long shot!!
Regular bearded irises need to develop a new tuber before they bloom again the following spring!
Rebloomers need to grow a new tuber, which is shorter then the regular iris and will bloom again in late summer!
Refridgeration will not do anything since you would be stopping the development of new tubers and the tubers will go dorment!
I don't care if the bearded bloom I was enjoying the white one's my brother had shared with me.They finally bloomed after I moved them.
And Spider they are so pretty too. You enjoy them girl. I have a purple one that hasn't bloomed yet but maybe next year. I can't wait to see it. I love planting tubers and then having to wait for the blooms.
What a lovely surprise!! I love the white Iris, its so pretty blowing in our constant breeze here. I have to stake mine. All the the Iris stand up on their own, but have to stake the white ones. Wanna try growing some from seed. If so, I will collect seed again this year. I have had really good luck wintersowing them. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
