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  1. R

    Heirloom Tomatoes?

    I have several kinds of seeds, but I just mixed them all up, so I do not know what kind of ears, I find that when I waved it. It does not matter, but for me. They are very good. At least I was good all the varieties of seeds.
  2. R

    My Desert Garden

    Can not break the lettuce here. We contributed to the weather all over the swinging 80s, it is just wilted. In the next picture I have my Hong fan lettuce so it is very warm weather, is truly booming, is a sight to see. Very psychedelic! My next and final green onions one of my trays.
  3. R

    Soil Types

    I was lucky with the soil. I have a good loam soil here, but I'm sure it was hauled from the previous owners. I have my little vacation property and plant trees on the weekend, I have some type of fine silty clay to be planted, as long as I do, you have already put some more compost.
  4. R


    You can use straw, pine straw, leaves, grass clippings. Newspaper, or shops. I put down the newspaper, and I kind of came out, and then cover the paper with the weed, and then cover the wood shavings or leaves, or pine bark mulch. I pulled out the weed paper end of the season, until what is left...
  5. R

    Tomato Favs

    Today I found a package in the farm shop, Miss Crabber. I picked a few other things too, and some ornamental corn. I have never grown up things. I will always have a row of 4 rows of corn and dedication of the watch. We will use some, I give it a rest. I got some extra pepper seeds today. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
