"all season" or "everbearing" ???

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Anyone grow strawberries

Looking to get a big patch going but want them all year long.
[tired of being flooded with more then I can eat then gone the next sec, Im not a freezer or canner, just a grazer ;) ]
Though Im sure they will stop once the snow falls.

Anyone got a fav plant or kind?

I find lots of places that sell both "all season" and "everbearing"

but have no real clue which is best.

here is just one site I have looked at.

good price, I looked in the store last year and they wanted $10 per plant so I waited.

In NW Ohio by Lake Erie, crappy drained swamp soil, swamp mud to rock hard n cracked all the way to China.
Though I add good soil and other stuff yearly to the grow spots.
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Welcome Mr. Green Jeans! Now that name brought back some memories. I always liked the Captain

I am not schooled in how berries grow in your area. I can tell you that here in the south the everbearing produce all season long where as the all season's are more sporatic at best. The Everbearing are continual fruiters and the all season take little breaks between fruting. Hope that helps.
Hi Mr. Greenjeans, how is the Captain? I wondered where you had gone. I'm not the one to ask but glad to see you.
Welcome aboard GJ!
The best advice is to research on line!
CG gave you a good start on looking!

With swampy soil, have you thought about blueberries?
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I live in NE Indiana..gonna be hard pressed to find an everbearing/year round strawberry unless you plan on growing them in pots in your home
the winters are to harsh for fruit and if you live in a "swampy" area you face potential for "root rot"

right now my plants are doing well, but won't see fruit for at least another 3 months...and better yet end of June middle of July

good Luck!:cool:
I don't expect to have them in the winter,

I just want to be able to go outside and eat a handfull daily all summer or Ohio grow season long.
This looks like a smart bet


100 plant 4 kinda, 2 of each all n ever for about $30 shipped

dirt cheap really.

Put 80 of them in the ground today, giving 5 of each kind away.
already several in there, so about 90+ total, should fill up quick.

keep us posted on how they are doing. I have a strawberry pot but did not look to see what kind they are. I am thinking about another pot of them as 4 plants will not give to many strawberries.

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