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Got up at 4 Am this morning went out on the porch and this is what I found.
Oh NO more kitties someone made a donation to us last night.Their cute gray tabby babies.Now to find them a home.
oh so cute but wished ppl wouldn't do that
i would love to have more kitties but with Rusty being on special food I can't afford to feed it to more than 2 kitties right now
I'll find them a home we get some sort of babies every Spring and Summer.We live in a curve on a dirt road so it's easy to dump and run.I think someone ridining a 4 wheeler around 11 last night left them.It made several slow trip's by.I don't see how anyone could throw babies off like that .Not old enough to take care of themselves.Poor thing's was starving they ate the whole can of food.
Wow so cute. I was a marked house years ago for "donations" It got so bad that people would actually stop and ask me to take their animals. I had one lady pull up and hand me $10 a bag of food and litter and the cat. She begged me to take it she said she had heard I would find them a home. I kept the cat 10 years and accidentally ran him ove in my drive on my birthday He was a great cat!
They all know it's a low traveled dirt road and they want get caught throwing off their animal's.I saw a box yesterday just past my drive I assume they were thrown in it.There's a mobile home park trashy looking place about three miles from here.I think most come from there.
Awww Thank You Lisa
I found one baby a home.A guy came yesterday doing some work.I said don't you need a kitten?LOL he said I am looking for my little girl one.
It makes me sooooooooo angry when people don't neuter their pets and then they think that the rest of the world should take care of them. We had a kitty show up at work a few years ago, I found it and was going to take it home. The boss had a fit about it when it left with me for the day. So, after a morning of hateful looks I had hubby bring in the kitty and give it to her. She never got it neutered and after a few years of litters of kittens she too her out to a farm and dropped her off. Well, I could say more, but I will let you draw your own conclusions.
Guess what I have another Kitten.I was out mowing and it ran out at my feet scared me.
Pretty little Calico I wish people would stop doing this.Now to find it a home.
We have two outside cats here. One was dumped and the other I think is a feral cat as I have never been able to get close to it. He/she still gets fed though. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to