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About nine or ten years ago I transplanted a rose from my deceased grandmother’s garden in Kansas City to my garden here in Northern Indiana. For three or four years the rose looked healthy, bloomed and grew very thinly. About five years ago nothing came up in the spring, but I left the trunk in the ground and just worked around it in my garden. Three years ago the rose started growing again, but never sets any buds. It seems to grow healthy with good foliage just no buds. I would love to get it blooming again, do you have any ideas? Do you think there is a chance? This is a very old rose; it was given to my grandmother by her mother in-law for a wedding present back in the 1930’s. Any help is appreciated.
I don't have a good idea but will ask a few questions. Does it get enough sunshine? Where is it planted? I have one that doesn't bloom also and I think it is because it is behind the rose of sharon and doesn't get enough sun. that said I don't have an answer just my thoughts on mine.
Ok, let's pick this apart: 5 yrs ago it died down and nothing came up until 3 yrs ago!
That does not sound right!
The only thing I can think of is that this was a grafted rose which the graft died. The growth that finally did come up would be from the stock that the graft was on. The stock is usually a hardy wild rose, so what you have now is a wild rose bush! Thery often do not bloom and if so not very well and only in the spring!
Give it time and feed it with some rose food and sit back to see what happens. If the flowers are small, single and in clusters then what you have is the wild rose!
Wild roses can be very unusal and beautiful. Embrace it and love it just they way you did the original. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
