What type for Rose Hips

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New Member
To elaborate, I have found that you can make rose hip jelly and probably other stuff.
I am kinda curious to try this as I had the thought to plant some roses anyway.
My question is do I need a certain type of rose to use them, and from what I have found I just need to leave the flowers alone so it will produce the hips.
The best rose bush for hips are the rugosa group!
They produce the largest hips.
They taste like mild apple...
The ones I grow tend to be a bit invasive, but are easily kept in check by digging and pulling any sprouts that can come up a few feet from the main clump!
They are extremely thorny so I have to wear thick gloves when I prune them!

Check out this site http://www.springvalleyroses.com/inthegarden/roserecipes.html
Thank you. That seems to be the only one I found today that is suggested. Or suggested as the best.
Well I thought Rosa Rugosa was a specfic rose, not a family as I found last night.
Happened to go to Lowes today as I was in the area and they had some.
So I now have an
Angel Face
Scarlet Knight
Double Delight Roses, one of each. Going to see if they fit into the Rosa family now. If not I'll be okay.
Yes they are in the rose family!
There are hundreds of species ranging from apples, pears, hawthorns and crabapples, all the way down to some of the odder perennials that some of us grow!
Rather then start another thread, I ended up planting 26 roses so far. Making a rose wall fence around my front yard. I figure it will take atleast 80. I have I think 15 different kinds of roses so far. These are localy bought that the stores had.
They are all beginning to shoot out branches/buds/leaves if you will. Several off them have leaves coming out, those are the 4 I have planted first.
The rest planted later are coming along.
Should be very colorful as they are red/pink/white/peach/velvet.

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