
GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

  1. IMG_1874.JPG Unknown

    IMG_1874.JPG Unknown

    I came across this wonderful surprise popping up. I thought "Orchid," "Florida," the name came from the Spanish explore, Ponce de Leon in 1513, meaning "FULL OF FLOWERS or Flowery" he also introduced Cattle, Horses, and pigs and was the first Cowboy to sit on the back of a Horse in Florida.
  2. IMG_0695 (Edited).JPG Wax leaf Privet Hedge

    IMG_0695 (Edited).JPG Wax leaf Privet Hedge

    On our South fence line, we have "Wax leaf Privet Hedges" and with the new development coming in around us, we are looking into adding more of them. They truly seem to make for happy Nabors.
  3. New Camilla.JPG

    New Camilla.JPG

    We have Eight Camilla dwarf trees in our yard.
  4. image0.jpeg Waxleaf Privet Hedge

    image0.jpeg Waxleaf Privet Hedge

    Great privacy wall between happy Nabors,
  5. image9.jpeg


    I worked on putting together a 10-page photos and instructors. Was not easy in my very broken Spanish as we have one Lawn Service with three - three-member crew teams.
  6. image11.jpeg Jasmines

    image11.jpeg Jasmines

    Jasmines, for ground cover and cool lawn shaping
  7. Agapanthus the love flower.jpg

    Agapanthus the love flower.jpg

  8. Camilla.JPG


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