A problem with my Pepper Plants?

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Okay. I get a little confused. But I knew it was more plants than I could conceive.
I have started using a lower nitrogen fertilizer 6-6-18 especially on the garden that doesn't need much nitrogen. This year in my watermelon and tomato holes we dug, I used cotton seed meal, alphafa pellets, Black Cow brand of cow manure along with the 10-10-10 in the holes. Recently I side dressed my watermelons and tomatoes with the 6-6-18. Been needing to give my tomatoes a drink of liquid tomato fertilizer but it's been too wet.
Jade produce is going to get so high this year in my opinion. We just have to keep on keeping on. On a positive note, haven't had to water my garden not even one time this whole growing season.

With the temps to be around 100 today and tomorrow and all the water in the ground, it's gonna be sultry kind of a day here in SC.

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