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Here they are Treva!
I sowed them on July 28!
Germination in 3 days!


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Wow Ron, that was fast..if only they grew to maturity that fast. I didn't find any seeds on the one that bloomed for me..could have been because I didn't know where to look?? I need to look again with my glasses on.
Treva says that they produce a seed pod with the seeds inside....if I remember rightly!
I should go look it up!
Yup, that's it!
Wow that was fast hope you good luck with them.They have such beautiful bloom's.I have heard their slow grower's.
With a temp of 85F during the day really sped them up!
It will be fun seeing them grow, especially from seed!
They usually bloom in 6 months!
To me that's quick!
Ron they look GREAT! They do grow fast at this stage and they LOVE heat!
You will have all kinds of beauties before long!
Gloria out of all the adeniums I have only had 1 produce seed this far :-(
You wont miss the pod though they are big longkind of like a bean...they will open up and be FULL off seed that has fuzzy wings!
Ron, I didn't see your post before I posted mine about these great plants, I think there so cool looking when they get older, I've never had luck with starting plants from seed so I have to buy mine to get cool plants
Ron, I didn't see your post before I posted mine about these great plants, I think there so cool looking when they get older, I've never had luck with starting plants from seed so I have to buy mine to get cool plants

All I did was press the seeds onto the soil, misted the soil surface, then covered them with a bit of plastic wrap! I stuck them in a sunny window, but I could have just put them outside with the temps we're getting!
I used a loose soil which is 1 part perlite, 1 part peat moss and 1 part sand!
I noticed one has shed the seed case and there are two small leaves on the top of the swollen stem!
I'll post pics as they develop!
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Here's 2 close-ups of the seedlings after the seed case popped off!
The basal caudex are starting to swell!


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Here's an update on my adenium!
1/They are nicely settling in their own cell packs!
2/The big boy, that snuck a ride in the box that Treva sent me! He's doing great, and sending out new leaves!
3/Baby's first true leaves!


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Gosh Ron, they're sure growing fast for you! Mine seemed to take forever to get any size to them. They're truely addictive little plants. Good work, looks like you have the green thumb to grow them easily.
Thanks Gloria!
They really do grow fast!
Guess, since they come from a desert area, they have to grow fast in order to survive arid conditions! The seeds germinate during the rainy season and have to grow and swell to store moisture to get them through the rainless seasons!

One piece of advise I go by with any plant species is, "research, and gather as much info on any particular species, then try to duplicate the proper germination and growing conditions"....In other words "know the plant and its behaviour"

Adenium really are cool fun tropicals!
But, they still come second to the cacti species I'm growing!
The winter hardy ones I'm growing are slow, and somewhat finicky as to the amount of moisture and sun to give them until they are older and better able to tolerate the extreme growing conditions they will have to survive out in my sandy, hot, dry gardens! One essential requirement is that they have to have well drained soil conditions especially during the late Fall, Winter and early Spring!<---and that is exactly what I have for!
Green fingers, and green toes!
OH RON!!!! I think I know what I may have done wrong! And I have the means to correct it! The desert would be a sandy soil! I have sandy soil but I didn't use any, I used potting soil! Not enough drainage and no sand!! I'll be making some potting changes today! Thanks for the info. Desert..Desert Rose..why did I not THINK?
Thanks Treve for introducing me to adeniums! They have such a cool growth behaviour!

That would be 1 part peat most, 1 part perlite or vermiculite, and 1 part sand!
your babies are really getting big, how long will it take them to be blooming size ?, the more I see them the more I like they way they look so much I have 2 more very small ones and with any luck the will grow and bloom for me some day
Hey Bear!
According to my research they can bloom in 6 months from seed!
Like Treva says, they love heat and sunshine, and mine are getting both!
Our sunroom faces south, so they will get sun for most of the day as the days get shorter, and the sun heads south! They will be perfect companions with my tropical cacti when I bring them indoors in the fall!
Update on my Adeniums!
They sure grow fast!
The tallest is around 3"s tall!
They are all fattening up nicely!


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They are a fun tropical to grow from seed!
I really enjoy watching them grow and develop!
Not bad for 2 month old seedlings
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