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I was wondering if anyone has started these from seed? I had recieved a few of each and have had no luck finding info on starting them. Do they need stratified? Cold treated(or is that the same as stratified??)? Any help would be apperciated!
I wintersowed some last year and they did good. Didn't get a bloom but am hoping they will bloom this year. The leaves grew large and were very healthy.
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I have started them inside and out doors...When I started them indoors I soaked them over night and then remember they were along time to germinate but had a high germination rate...outdoors I planted them in the fall and they came up in late spring...also didn't get any blooms the first year...sadly we moved by the second year...
Thanks! I think if I can come up with enough containers I will try winter sowing them.
I always ended moving in the middle of winter every time we moved. Could never take any of my plants with me. I really miss some of those plants. But, it is sorta fun to plan a whole new garden or 2 or 5.. go Jen!!! Good luck with them!! Happy Gardening!
I think wintersown would work well with blacberry llilys. I've started them from seed in spring and didnt have great success but did get some. I have some seeds I'm going to WS soon.
I winter sowed them today. Hoping I did everything right! I think I! Started a few other things also. Now I just need more containers!
My blackberry lilies I WS last year are starting to come up. I sure hope they bloom this year. Did some more as well as some Candylilies this year and they haven't sprouted yet. According to my WS journal....they sprouted 4-14-08. I started them 1-29-08 so that would be 75 days. I started them 1-18-09 so hopefully I will see something happening 4-3-09. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I planted candy lilies last year and it took 90 days for the seeds to germinate, was ready to throw the planter out the door when I noticed a sprout, they take a long time to some up. I started some more in feb of this year and I'm still waiting.I also started some blk. lily seed then to and nothing yet. Hopefully they will come up, i moved them to the greenhouse so we'll see what they do..
It looks like from my post above I winter sowed both on 1/29. I don't have any sprouts as of yet, but fingures are crossed! I'll look for them on 4/14 since I started mine the same you did last year Smelly Melly!
I am soaking my blackberry liliy seeds as I type. I'm in 9a and will plant them tomorrow. Probably that is all wrong with me planting in early spring?
Will keep all posted. Glad you started thead.
I usually take the seeds off mine and throw them right in the ground they come up though they don't bloom the first year
Mariposa, I'll be happy just seeing them come up
and will hope for that and blooms the following year. I peeled off cover of seeds as well. Will keep yall posted!
An update--Most of my winter sown seeds are up and looking great....except for these. No sign of anything yet. Still keeping my fingures crossed though!
So happy to report that I now have 4 blackberry lilies up and so far 1 candy lily!!! Took longer for them to germinate than I expected but I am sure they will be worth the wait! Thank you all for your advice!
Congratulations Jen!!! I am hoping the ones I did last year will bloom this year...either something is diffently wrong with my candy lily seeds or they look very different from the blackberry..I got some of both this year with ws...but not so sure the candy lily is guess I will just put it in the garden and wait to see what I get.
Smelly Melly, I will try to remember to take pics of both tomorrow. I think (if remembering correctly, lol) they look very much alike.
My candylily looks like flax
I always thought the candy lily and blackberry lily were the same thing. I may be wrong but which ever one I have are about 6" tall now (my old ones that is). I have some smaller ones that are up where I threw some seed last year. I had forgot about them until I saw them yesterday.
Its hard to tell what I planted...I get most of my seeds through trade and sometimes you don't get what you think you are getting. I will transplant it into the garden and see what I get. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to