Daily fungi.

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I really like taking images of fungi. Thought I would try to put one in each day. If there is some other place where I should put them, let me know. This one is, Arched Earthstar, Geastium fornicatum. Will try to put in some that are a little different.


  • Arched Earthstar, Geastium fornicatum.jpg
    Arched Earthstar, Geastium fornicatum.jpg
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no but it doesn't mean we won't like the pictures. Just have never thought about it.
We have Morels on the property each spring!
Haven't tried them yet!
Anyone have a good recipes for morels?
They come up just as the oak tree starts to bloom over a period of 4 weeks.
For todays fungi we have Poison Pie, Hebeloma crustuliniforme, this one was in a lawn.


  • Poison Pie, Hebeloma crustuliniforme.jpg
    Poison Pie, Hebeloma crustuliniforme.jpg
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Todays mushroom is a great looking mushroom, one of the poison ones, Fly Agaric, Amanita Muscaria.


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I believe that at least most of the ones that are brightly colored are poisonous, but that isn't a good rule to go by as there are probably plain mushrooms that would kill you also.
The most deadly in the world is a plain looking cream color and is also an amanita, Amanita phalloides. Available in North America if you have a need for it. :D :D
Another Amanita today, Amanita aprica, Sunshine Amanita.


  • 19Amanita aprica, Sunshine Amanita.jpg
    19Amanita aprica, Sunshine Amanita.jpg
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Dealing with mushrooms the last few days has brought to my mind an old English ballad that I believe is titled "Lord Randall". It's about a young man that comes home and his sweetheart apparently poisoned him. He says to his mother, "Make my bed soon for I'm sick to the heart and I fain would lay doon." With the word "doon" it might be Scottish rather than English. I do care a lot for the old folk songs and I have that particular tune on a record I bought over 50 years ago.
Todays fungi, Red Coral Mushroom, Ramaria araiospora.


  • Red Coral Mushroom, Ramaria araiospora (1).jpg
    Red Coral Mushroom, Ramaria araiospora (1).jpg
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Todays fungi, Strobilurus trullisatus, Fir-Cone Mushroom.


  • 28Strobilurus trullisatus Fir-Cone Mushroom.jpg
    28Strobilurus trullisatus Fir-Cone Mushroom.jpg
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The fungi for today is Pigs Ears, isn't there some great common names for these things?


  • 33Discina perlata, Pigs Ears.jpg
    33Discina perlata, Pigs Ears.jpg
    79.6 KB · Views: 309
I love fungi..........when camping one year in the Smokey's the entire woods were literally vibrant with them. There were some that resembled your red coral but also came in yellow, lavender, orange, brown and white. There were some red and white spotted ones and lots of others in shapes and colors I had never seen. I made a mushroom garden in a large flat pan but I guess they didn't like the change in climate because they rotted and no others appeared.

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