Daylily Seed Pods, ~Creating your own hybrids~ a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Hi everyone
Im new so if I'm not posting properly....I will fix it:D
Anyways, my question/issue......

I have my seeds harvested from my lily pods.....
I read I should leave them to dry for a week then put them in the fridge with
vermiculite/peat moss for 3 weeks.....

then what though?
It will be beginning of Sept if they sprout .... so do I let them grow in their pots and plant them in the fall?

Theres alot of info on how to harvest the seeds and how to start them in zipper bags but Im wondering if I plant them...wont they die over the winter?

Maybe I should wait, keep the seeds in the fridge and try and sprout them in March for Spring planting?

ahhhhh - help pls!
Hi Kerrey!
Welcome to our forum!
Nice to meet another from Ontario!
To answer your question properly I'll need the name of the lily species you collected the seeds from!
Some require cold treatment for several months, while others require warm-cold-warm treatment, and others sown with warmth!
In all cases the seeds can be stored dry for a few years in a sealed container kept in a dark cool area! Leave the seeds to dry first, on a tray over the fridge is a good spot for a week or so.
seed pods

Ok well I harvested seeds from Stella D'oros
......Ruby Stellas.........Precious D'Oros (white stellas)....... Rosy Returns (the pink like Stellas).....

I live down the road from Hayfield Daylilys in Clarington so.......
Im spoiled.....
I have seeds from many of theirs that I have purchased and planted over the past few years.....
Im not sure if you want to look at their website but I took seeds from pods on
Satans Kiss
Canadian Diamonds
Lucy Lynn Scholtz
Duchess of Orono
Sunshine Dreamer.....etc

I was running around like a maniac trying to have a little fun ...putting pollen everywhere so who knows what Im going to end up with....and I dont care... just seeing them bloom makes me happy!

I bought some vermiculite...peat moss .....put the seeds in their envelopes and left them out.....Im hoping I can do something with them soon but I can wait - unwillingly - until the Spring :mad: if I have to!
Ok! now I have something to work with!
Daylilies: store seeds dry all winter; you can sow the seeds in February/March. Use a soil-less mix. cover with 1/2 inch of soil. Germination usually occures in 7-14 days at a temp of 75F!
I hope you realize that the plants will not necessarily look like the parent plant!
The fun part is cross-pollenating named cultivars to see if you can improve, and or, create a new cultivar!
I did a bit of hybidizing when we lived in Hamilton, I took most of them with me when we moved here at the lake! Still haven't planted all of them yet, since I'm in the process of getting rid of the commonly called ditch daylilies!
My hybrids are still very happy growing in their pots!

Photo #1 Happy Return crossed with Fairy Tale Pink
The result is a better looking Happy Return with more ruffled petals and a nicer coloration! I didn't like Happy Return with the washed out yellow!
Photo#2 Blackeyed Stella and Fairy Tale Pink
It turned our looking a bit like both!

Photo#3 is Sweet Hot Chocolate
Haven't decided on which of my hybrids to cross it with! Next year I'll play around with it to see what I can come up with!
It takes 3 years to see the fruits of your labor!

Check out the daylily thread to view more photos from previous years!


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seed pods

Oh Thankyou!
Your lilies are beautiful. For sure, I know that my new plants will most likely not look like the parent plants but that makes me smile!
I attempted to pollinate flowers of the same type too but who knows if I was successful.....thats the fun part.
I was careful to mark the flowers I mixed together with different coloured yarns so when the pods appeared I had an idea of what was (or should be) inside:eek:
Of course my 6 yr old helped with harvesting some seeds from the pods herself....she mixed some of hers up when they spilled onto the floor I labelled the envelope FLOOR SURPRISE, Madi's MIX! lol

Ok so dry storage.....currently I have them in separate envelopes - just white envelopes....should i put them in zip lock baggies with anything? No water, soil.......nothing?

I am so tempted to try and grow a few seeds and keep it as an indoor lily....can I do that?

Hi Kerr,
Welcome. You hit the jack pot! Ron is a wealth of very valuable knowledge! Look forward to seeing some of your work;)
Ok so dry storage.....currently I have them in separate envelopes - just white envelopes....should i put them in zip lock baggies with anything? No water, soil.......nothing?
Keep dry and that means in a sealed container! You can use ziplock bags. Leave the seeds unsealed for a week or so to ensure that they are dry before putting them in the ziplocks. Then place them where it is cool, dry and dark for the fall and winter,
No soil and no moisture!
When you are ready to sow, soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours, then sow them.

Thanks Nancie!
Ron, thanks for the info on the seeds I have a 1oz jar full of mix lily seeds for next year, the seem to grow where nothing else will. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
