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How do I go about feedinging my watermelon plants. My plants are growing and vining real nicely I even have small melons developing inspite of the cool wet spring. My soil is semi poor that I keep building up more each year, but I was told that melons are greedy when it comes to feeding so how do I fertilize with all of the vines.
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If you're using 5-10-10 fertilizer, get in close to the base of the plant and sprinkle about a handful and water it in good. Be careful not to get fertilizer on the leaves or stems. Since your plants are so large now you might want to try digging a trench by the plant about a foot long and 2-3 inches deep, sprinkle the fertilizer in and cover it, then water. You don't need to fertile all around the plant, just one side, the roots will pick it up.
Welcome to the forums Garry.
The one thing to remember with watermelons and cantalopes is that they require a lot of water especially when the fruit is set. I use a 20-20-20 and mix with water then use a sprinkle can and just water away that way I don't have to worry about the fertilizer on the leaves. Hope you have a good crop.
Well the neighbor just gave me 10 pounds of triple 16 and said that it should work ok. Just dug some small trenches at the base of my cantalopes and added a small handful to each one, now I'm watering it in. I get so nervous about burning up the plants, how much is too much. hopefully it will work for my watermelon.
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I'm in the southeast and our sandy soil and weather has an effect too so 5-10-10 works well for us. We use this with all our veggies and have used 10-10-10 and that worked well too. We plant as much as 2 acres..more or less, just depends. Usually a half acre is melons. Good luck with yours Garry.
Hey Gloria I am coming to your house for a visit. I love watermelons but I only plant about 4 or 5 plants. Then when they are ripe I have to battle the GK's for my far share LOL.
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That's funny. Our evenings cool off too much and I have never doen well with watermelons here, or other melons either.
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Hey Gloria I am coming to your house for a visit. I love watermelons but I only plant about 4 or 5 plants. Then when they are ripe I have to battle the GK's for my far share LOL.
What kind do you plant? I see you are in zone 3b and i'm in zone 5 and our season is not long enough, trying to grow some this yr, they seem to be doing great so far with all the heat and humidity. would love to get some to grow here, have tried watermelon and cantaloupe with no success in the past
What kind do you plant? I see you are in zone 3b and i'm in zone 5 and our season is not long enough, trying to grow some this yr, they seem to be doing great so far with all the heat and humidity. would love to get some to grow here, have tried watermelon and cantaloupe with no success in the past
I plant Sugar Baby watermelons and Delicious Cantalope. I start both in the house and then plant out. If it is a cool summer I prop windows up to make a teepee to get the hot enough. We always get a good crop off of them. I have tried other kinds but they don't do well in my area.
I have an icebox watermelon plant that I water about once a week, and I have never used fertilizer on it. I was told that I should only water it once a week with 1-2 inches of water. However the plant has 3 melons that are almost done! I think I mite go out and do some fertilizer anyhow

Well I fertilized all 38 of my watermelon plants and wow, the vines have grown a foot plus and the new foilage is bright green. hoping to start having ripe melons about the third week of Aug.
I sow my melon seeds on a "hill" of soil that I build on top of a nice pile of
compost and
composted manure. I don't do any applications of chemical fertilizers.
Maybe they are just being nice

, but everyone that I share those melons with tells me that they're the "best they ever tasted".
Im ready to try watermellons for my own. Information which I found in this threat will sure help me. Thanks! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to