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Can you believe I have daffadils and snow drops shooting up already? They survived our latest cold snap of 18 to 21 degree weather. They're about 4 inches tall now. It maybe too soon as the cold is not gone by a long shot.
Anything doesn't matter what kind.
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Can you believe I have daffadils and snow drops shooting up already? They survived our latest cold snap of 18 to 21 degree weather. They're about 4 inches tall now. It maybe too soon as the cold is not gone by a long shot.
It doesn't matter Gloria!
They are resistant to freezing temps!
Some of my spring bulbs are just showing at the soil surface!
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I have other things peeping up too but I look forward to the daffs and snow drops blooming, it means that Spring is here. I didn't know they were resistant to freezing temps. I have some in pots outside and they're peeping also. My Amaryllis bulbs look good, the bulbs are so far out of the ground that I was worried about them but they're still firm and show no signs of mush. Am I correct in saying that you grow Amaryllis as house plants Ron? I've never had any luck with growing them inside. I do have a beautiful show when they bloom outside.
My tulips have been peeping threw the ground since before the cold spell and they weren't hurt by it. Also my hydrangeas were turning green before to and they are still doing fine. I'm really susprised because even a little freeze will turn them brown but they weren't hurt at all as I can see. It may affect them later but I hope not.
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I've never been able to grow tulips and don't know of anyone who has in my area..I envie you!! I see buds on my Hydrangias too. The buds are only on the tops of the stems, no sign of leafing yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both of us Maggie.
YAY! Gloria!!!!
I'll be happy when I start to see some "peepers" coming out
I haven't been able to get out and see if there is any "life" going on
it's either been cold and windy or like now cold windy and pouring down rain...
Please do post some pics of your Daffies as soon as they come up..I could really use some color
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Yes Gloria, Amaryllis are house plants up here!
There are a few hybrids that are suppose to be winter hardy to zone 5, but haven't see them in any of our garden centres! Probably never will, because they are way too expensive! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to