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Many happy birthday wishes for you today Nancie!
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Wooo hooo! Thanks Jill. Having a pretty good day

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Happy birthday there, young lady. How did your weekend go with the kids?
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Happy Happy Birthday Nancie.
Glad you had a pretty good day so far.
It was so nice to chat with you tonight even tho I
lost you...
We'll catch up again soon, take it easy my friend and i love ya and we'll
chat soon... many hugs being sent your way...
Happy Birthday Crabber.....hope you had a super great day....
Happy Happy Birthday.
I hope this is a wonderful day for you.
Happy Birthday Miss Crabber , almost missed yea , hope you had the best day ever, birthday girl , and may you be blessed with many more .
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Big Happy Birthday Nancie!!!
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Here I go again missing a great day. Happy birthday lady. sorry I missed it. better late than never.
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Thanks everyone for all the well wishes.
Yes Randy, I had a great weekend with the babies. They are growing so fast and just really becoming little people with real ideas and conversations. I have to share the picture below with you. It is my son and my daughter's daughter. You can just tell she is really having and imporatant conversation with him. They are 2 of a kind. I wish I could find the picture where she is pointing at him and just making her point known. just too funny.
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She wanted to make sure she had his attention, so she made her way up on his lap.
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I had a lap-sitter and a non-lapsitter. Chrissie could stand it for about 5 seconds before she would stiffen her legs and slide off but Fiona was there for the long haul. When she crawled up in your lap, you were going to be there for awhile. I'm glad you got to be with the kids though. It's difficult to have a bad day with little people running through your legs.
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I love the little people!
I call Maisyn ( pictured above) my snuggle bug , she is the one that likes to just sit. I tell her mom that is because when she lived with us for so long as a baby , I loved to hold her. I held her all the time and she was just so content to be with me. the man child is not so interested in being held but he does DEMAND attention. He poked me a dozen times on Sat within a 5 minute time frame. I have to get him alone for a few days and work on that behavior. We need to take him fishing and teach him some patients.
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We have two great-grandchildren now and we get to see one of them occasionally, but not the other. The other is the daughter of our grandson in Washington. We never have seen her and haven't seen him for years.
Oooops really late but Happy 21st young Nancie!!!! Love the pic too, she has such an earnest look on here face, what a cutie!
Happy Birthday Crabbergirl. So sorry I'm late.
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Oh Thanks Guys! The week long birthday celebartion continues....LOL
As long as I am still getting wishes is still my birthday and I can take full advantage of the rights to having a bithday! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to