Hello from GardenHere

GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

Garden one

New Member
Just thought I would pop in to see what all the excitement is about.

Great work --simple, but nice.

Glad to see everyone is having a grand time.

Wishing you every success and happy gardening.
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Al hope you are doing well. Glad you stopped by, come again any time. So far GF has been a huge success, thanks for the well wishes. Since you brought it up about all the excitement, let me explain. Bob the owner of the site is on the site "DAILY" listening to things that we want to accomplish at GF and repairing any problems. The site is simple but that is what has attracted me and others to GF. Dale/disgett
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Glad to see you Al.... I was beginning to think that maybe you were a figment of my imagination.... a speck of mustard maybe?

So tell us about yourself.... you a veggie or ornamental gardener.... maybe you do both? What zone are you in? Any favorite plants or flowers?
Hey Al I hope you will hang with us some. No pressure here. Just come by and chat about gardening
Welcome Al.
Yes, this is a site that is based on a simple layout but it works really good. Something I've said over and over..simple is always better.
I've checked GH today and I see you have made some changes. I wish you much luck with the new server. I wish you had done that a year ago. I know that life gets in the way of things at times, I hope that you are now in a better position and can make a great gardening site again ...as the original GH was.
Come and visit with us anytime, we are glad to have you.
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Hello Garden One/Al, Nice to finally meet you. Hope you come and visit often. We are a very friendly bunch here, and very much enjoy talking about gardening and just visiting. Thanks for taking a look and your nice comments on the site. Bob has done a wonderful job on the place.
Welcome to the group...............the majority of us here were on another garden forum for anywhere of 5 to 8 years....so we all got to know each other pretty well.....I always loved the simple....and easy to get around.....so this site suits alot of us to a tee.....enjoy!
Just thought I would pop in to see what all the excitement is about.

Great work --simple, but nice.

Glad to see everyone is having a grand time.

Wishing you every success and happy gardening.

Welcome to the forum Al, thanks for stopping by and saying hello...

As for the forum being "simple", that's a real compliment to the designers. It appears simple because it's easy to use, and easy to figure out.

This program has been running on production forums for over 8 years now. It's a proven and very stable platform. We are constantly adding incremental upgrades and features, in fact I'd have a hard time thinking of a feature that I'd want that's not available.

Most folks only scratch the surface of what this program can do. The lits of current features is actually quite large and very comprehensive. So don't let an uncluttered interface fool you. :)

A proven and stable platform is a very important component of an online community. This program was chosen with that criteria in mind...

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