Hi From South Africa

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Hi my name is Anton and I’m from South Africa. We specialise in growing clivias here in South Africa. We are now busy with clivias for more than 18 years now. It started as a hobby and we have now more than 5000 clivia plants at home. I’m look at other plants as well now especially plants that can be grown from cuttings.
Welcome to our forum Anton!
There are hundreds of plants you can start from cuttings!
Which ones are you interested in?
I have not made my mind up jet still looking around. The growing from cuttings is still a new thing to me. But the plants that I choose must be able to take some heat. The temperature the last 2 weeks was between 30 and 36. Yesterday and today was 36 degrees Celsius outside. It’s now 30 degrees inside the house and it’s now 21:05.I did my first hard wood cutting from one of our roses just before winter this year and there is a lot of them that did made roods so far.
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Hi Anton! I live in Florida USA and usually we have very warm weather for about 9 months of the year. As Ron said there should be mny plants you can start from cuttings.
I look forward to getting to know you.
G'day Anton. I also have warm weather 9 months of the year. There's heaps of plants that grow from cuttings, good to meet you.
Hi Anton nice to meet you I am in now chilly Scotland.

But I like to dapple in cuttings like fuchsias and geraniums and easter and christmas cacti.

There sre so many.

So I to am interested in what you will be growing.

As for Clivia I have had 1 of these plants now for 2years but it has never bloomed for me.What am I doing wrong?
Hi Scotkat

Do you know how old the clivia is? From seed it can take any time from 4 years to 7 years before they flower yellow clivias take longer to flower normally 5 to 7 years it depends on what yellow plants was used in the plant crosses. If the clivia stand in the house u may have a problem. Move your clivia to a cold room or the garage where the temperature drops below 10 degrees but not below -3.

If the tempter drops below 0 u must make sure that the wind can’t get to the plant. If the wind freezes the water in the plants leafs u have big problems. If this happens you will lose all the plants leafs. Your clivia needs to go in to a resting period before it will flower.

It can all so be that the plant needs some microelements look for a good fertiliser for plant grove and one that you can use for flower development as well. What I mean with a good fertiliser is it must have your normal NPK and all the trace elements and microelements. This means it must have your usual things in it and all so the right amonts of copper zinc magnesium and rest.

U can just ask any one at a plant nursery for a good fertiliser. How many plant leafs does your clivia have and did it flower before. Our record this year for flowers in one flower head stands on 42 flower it looks like a soccer ball when the plant flowers.

U all so get know Pink Yellow Green Peach colour Apricot colour orange red and what we call bi colour and Pastel colours. Bi colour is where you have one colour on the outside and anther colour on the inside of the flower. You all so get what we call green throats where you have green in the throat of every single flower on the flower head. Your standard orange and yellow is the cheaper plants at the moment.

You all so get broad leaf plants and short broad leaf plants. There was a clivia with green flower that went for R26500 on the one auction in Pretoria South Africa this year. And in 2006 there was all so a clivia with green flowers that went for R32000 on one of the auctions here Pretoria South Africa.

Take a photo of the plant and a photo of the potting soil and post it here and I will have a look at it and see if I can help you more.
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Welcome to the forum. :D You're the 2nd person I've met from South Africa. The 1st was CuriousGirl but that's at another forum. I haven't tried doing very many cuttings but I've had some really good luck when I've tried. See u in the threads.
Hello Anton...I sure hope you are done looking around and jump in with both eet...you would be a reat addition...Look forward to hearing form you

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