I Saved This Plant

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Active Member
Ok here we go again do you know what this is?I saved it from the trash.It has been in my hubby's work place in the showroom for 6yr's.The office ladies decided to trash it.Hubby called do you want this thing.LOL He knew not to ask I never turn down free plant's.I don't know what it is.It's at least 12 ft tall.The top look's like large oak leaves or they look like a large collard leaf.Thick and leatherly.It has a skinny trunk maybe the size of a broom handle.The leaves are all gathered at the very top of the long skinny trunk.It has 5 of these shinny body plants all in the same pot sorta like a clump
My question is what is it and can I transplant it out in the garden out of the medium size pot.Does it need full sun or part shade.Will it survive winters outside.


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I don't recommend you plant it outside as it is a tropical plant. I'm pretty sure you'd lose it in the winter. It will love your spring/summer temps. How 'bout putting it in a large pot that you can put in a sheltered spot come the cold?
Looks just like a fiddle leaf fig!
It's semi- tropical so it would be good to protect it from any freezes! You could throw a blanket over it if and when you get a freeze.
Morning sun is great with afternoon shade.
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I have been thinking about what to do with it all day.I have decided to get a larger pot and repot.I have very few spot's tall enough for it in my home.Right now it's outside in the shade.

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