"Kinks" in aloe?

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New Member
hi everyone!!!! Super new to gardening and forums! (1st time for both!) and from what I've read I've been doing EVERYTHING wrong!!! Haha! My main concern is my aloe. Over the past couple weeks it's spears have developed "kinks" in them? I don't know how else to describe it. But it just looks like someone went and pinched all the gel out of one or 2 areas on the spears! Some have it at the top, others the bottom. I just moved it to a new pot about a month ago and my husband was not gentle with it :/. Last time he's ever helping me in my garden... So some of the roots did get shredded in the process. Would this cause the "kinks"? Maybe I Am underwatering? Over? And suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!! :)


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The lower leaf with the kink is a break in the leaf from bending it to far and damaged the inner tissue!
The other kink is a natural one.....remember to hold back watering until the soil dries out, then give it a good watering until it runs out the bottom....let it drain until it stops running out the bottom. These thrive on minimal water and over-watering kills more aloes then any other 'mistake'! Never let them sit in a water.....they rot so easily!!
Fertilize with a low nitrogen water soluable type such as 7-15-20 or similar ratio only when the plant is activily growing.

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