Hello there fellow plant people, this is my cherished and extremely sentimental Lambs Ear plant, it was thriving once and then I had to leave it in care of someone else and the season changed from winter to summer before I could return to it, I live in perth western australia and we do get some humid days in the midst of summer but mostly 30-35 degree celsius average day in the middle of summer with low to medium humidity, when I came back to it, it was in very poor condition and I unfortunately pulled heaps of the dead leaves off before I took it to my local bunnings and they said to cut off not pull off leaves, so I cut off with small scissors a lot of the dead and dieing leaves, which lead to the first photo, over the next week I cut off any leaves that went brown or yellow which led to the next photo where it is now, I tried to cover the centre of the plant with soil as it seemed some of the stems were going brownish on the outside, which I think happened from leaving it in the sun after watering it the night before, I didn't give it too much water, probably 200-400ml'ish of water and it's a very good drainage pot, I read somthing in a forum about cutting it near the base to make it sprout two new shoots? But I'm nervous to hack away at my baby so I thought it was time to hit the forums and get some more experienced advice as this plant means a lot to me, I like the sound of cutting it back to sprout new shoots but I don't know how to go about it, or if that's the best thing to do from where it is now to back to good health, I even considered getting a inside UV light and doing some funky hydronics setup or somthing to simulate winter for it... Please help :'(