Looking for a blackberry cobbler recipe

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I am in great need of a blackberry cobler recipe! My mom made a blackberry pie that was awesome, unforunately I never got her recipe. It was deep dish and the crust was much like dumpings.
Hubby and I went blackberry hunting today and I was able to get about 2 quarts! I'll get more next week as more ripens. The berries are plentiful this year and in a place that's not too thick to get to. I'm so pleased!:D
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Gloria, I have a cobbler recipe, but I use a streusel topping. I do that because I don't make very good crust. But a young lady told me one time to take those crusts you get from the market and cut them into strips and they work quite well. I'm going to make a blueberry cobbler tomorrow for a church potluck and I haven't decided yet if I will use those pie crust strips or my old reliable streusel topping.
Isn't it terrible Spider...we just take for granted that they'll always be there making those great dishes so we never bothered to get or write down the recipe.
Kim..where are you?
Thanks Dale, I didn't know there were so many different ways to use blackberries! Still..I didn't see what I was looking for in an old fashion dumpling pie..
Gloria tell me more about the dumplings part. Was the top like biscuits lined up and you saw the blueberries. We always made the blackberry cobbler like the peach cobbler with the flour sugar milk poured on top of the melted butter then spooning the blackberries that had sit in sugar to draw out the juice. Put juice in along with the berries. Inquiring minds want to know more.

Was the dumplings cooked in the blackberries on top of the stove and not baked? I looked at a bunch of recipes like that and here is one that looks good. http://www.homestead-farm.net/RecipeBlackberry.html
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I wonder why they said not to substitute blueberries. I just made a blueberry cobbler this morning and I use the same recipe for blackberries. I used the streusel topping for the cobbler this morning.
I found one similiar to what I wanted and tried it this morning. It's very good!

Blackberry Pie
8 cups fresh blackberries
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 al-purpose flour
2 Tbls lemon juice
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, then pour into baking pan and bake at 400 degrees till hot and beginning to bubble (about 15 min.). While this is heating begin mixing your dumplings.

2 cups all-purpose flour
3tsp baking powder
3 Tblsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup chilled butter
2/3 cup milk
1 egg slightly beaten

In large bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt. Cut in butter until particles are pea size. Add egg and milk and blend together.
Remove blackberries from the oven and spoon dumpling mixture over the top in about 10 large spoonfuls. Bake till golden brown..about 20-25 minutes. Serve with a heaping scoop of ice cream on top.


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Gloria that looks yummy yummy.

Randy I think when you put sugar on the blackberries you get a lot of fruit juice to add to the recipe versus the lesser amount of juice in the blueberries. I have a lot of recipes that interchange blackberries for blueberries.

I do make a fruit cobbler we love that you make with a cake mix if anyone is interested in my posting. It's what I make when I have unexpected company drop by and need a quick dessert. Or when I preparing food to take to a family that has sickness or death in their family.
Have you ever adapted a 'Dump Cake' recipe to cobbler? Mmmm...you can put peaches etc in it.... I'd attach something here but I'm still learning how to ~ C.
I hope you'll share with us Curbie..I've heard of dump cake but never made one. I do like cobblers....heck, truth is...I like all sweets!!!!!
I love dump cakes as well. All kinds of possiblities using fruit.

For peach cobbler using cake mix I dump one or more cans of peaches into a pyrex dish. Mix a 1/4 cup of sugar in the peach juice (it's sweet enough for me without adding the sugar). You can add 1/2 cup of water to the peach mixture if you like cobbler real juicy. Take a 1/4 or less of the dry cake mix, stir into the peach mixture. Sprinkle the remaining cake on top and pour 1 stick of melted butter on top. Bake 350 degrees about 20 to 30 minutes (until the cake part is done). If in a hurry you can cook the cobbler on higher temp and less baking time.

I adapt this recipe with blueberries and other fruit. I cook the berries in a little water and sugar.
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That sounds similar to a recipe I picked off the internet, but it's easier. I assume that putting some of the dry mix into the fruit is for thickening.
Gloria that looks yummy yummy.

Randy I think when you put sugar on the blackberries you get a lot of fruit juice to add to the recipe versus the lesser amount of juice in the blueberries. I have a lot of recipes that interchange blackberries for blueberries.

I do make a fruit cobbler we love that you make with a cake mix if anyone is interested in my posting. It's what I make when I have unexpected company drop by and need a quick dessert. Or when I preparing food to take to a family that has sickness or death in their family.

When I made my blueberry cobbler this morning, I did add about a half a cup of water when I started cooking the berries with the sugar.
Gloria--------I remember my Mom making raspberry cobbler--she would cook up the raspberries & sugar (maybe some water) in a big pot--then when they got to bubbling she would add dumplings and cover the pot till the dumplings were cooked. Put some in a bowl and pour some cream over it---Mmmmmmmmm!
Everything sounds so good! I love my cobblers made with my crust recipe. I have a deep oval dish that I make mine in. My family like the crust put in between as well. I roll it out thin so it is not soggy.
I got to thinking about it and thought that this might work:

I got this recipe from watching "Paula Deen". It is good. It uses blueberries but I was thinking that it would be good with blackberries.

Blueberry Coffee Cake

1 can of Grands biscuits, quartered
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 cube melted butter, or margarine
1 1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup oatmeal

Mix the brownsugar and cinnamon together. Roll the biscuits in the melted butter, and then roll them in the brown sugar mixture. Put the biscuits into an 8x8 baking dish, coated with non-stick cooking spray. Toss the blueberries with the granulated sugar. Spoon half of the blueberries on thop of the biscuits, sprinkle 1/4 cup of the oatmeal on top of the berries, then the rest of the berries and the reast of the oatmeal. Pour any remaining melted butter on top. Bake in a 375 degree oven for about 20 to 30 minutes.

I use frozen blueberries. It is very sweet and good with a little vanilla ice cream.

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