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Staff member
Blue, I saw those links and the wording rang a bell of recognition. It was the historical aspect that I remembered though and not the plant. The rocky island (Yerba Buena) that Wikipedia mentions that connects the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge was called Treasure Island when I was there. I left the United States from there to go catch my ship at Pearl Harbor and when I was discharged, it was from Treasure Island also.
And a beautiful spot it is,Randy!
Oh my, I just found the berries and cream mint on ebay! How many plants can a mom ask for for Mother's Day????
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
well thanks blue...I also looked up some old pictures and writtings of my granny's and I do think this is the same plant she also grows wild on Angle Island in the bay area..the two links have most the information I had I will not bother posting any others...Nancie let me know if you can find it in your area.. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to