a friendly and growing community of gardeners.
We feature a
Garden Discussion Forum and
Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.
Hello, I came the other night, and there was only four members, I am so glad to see so many people here, and a lot of familiar screen names too....
My name is Kym, and I wanted to thank you for starting a new site...cant wait to watch it grow.
I love to garden, and grow plants that arent "exactly" for my zone...and I am loving wintersowing.
Looking forward to making new friends, and having fun with some old ones too !
Super Moderator
Staff member
Hey Kym
So glad you finally made it. I was going to send the troops out looking for you.
You will love it here and will fit right in the family
Hi Kym, I'm Kath, but most folks just call me Scarez.
Wow girl, you and I are on opposite coasts, for sure! It's nice to meet you

Super Moderator
Staff member
I forgot to say that I had the pleasure of meeting Kym in person a few weeks ago. She's a great person.

We met on another forum while I was looking for a place to hang out at
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Hi Kym, I'm Kath, but most folks just call me Scarez.
Wow girl, you and I are on opposite coasts, for sure! It's nice to meet you
HEY I know you...LOL
Hello Kym...nice to see you here
Laurie, I have been a bit swamped....and have wanted to email you. I really enjoyed getting to meet ya..
Thanks for all the welcomes ! This is going to be an awesome site ! Look at all the wonderful people so far !
Oregon...gosh, that is so far away...LOL My friend tells me I live on a postage stamp ( cause the size of the state)
I grew up in PA, and left my heart there. I am hopeful to go back once the kids are done in school.
I grew up in PA, and left my heart there. I am hopeful to go back once the kids are done in school.
Hi, Kym, I recognise your username from a site that I was on for a short while. Nice to see you again.
I have a friend who lives in PA and I don't blame you for wanting to move back. I'd like to relocate there. If I was younger I would. The climate is much nicer than here. Right now it's snowing big flakes.

flwrs4ever............Welcome and enjoy.........this place is growing everyday........

thanks Mari-jo ! It sure is growing !
Sash, you know me better as SPRINGS...LOL
It hasnt snowed here yet, but I am NOT complaining...

hey, Kym, happy to see you here

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