Howdy Rosarians ....
The best prevention is planning ahead but how does one plan ahead of a problem they are not aware of.
Get aware!
One must have a really good idea as to what is growing on one’s land along with the adjacent Properties, in pots or the in the ground if at all possible!
If you have a few neighbors like I do that just let things go to seed for the passion of not pulling; you will then know you have work to do.
I would first read about all the pest and diseases that like to destroy roses then read up on your particular rose in concern.
Note, it is said the color will make a difference in pest. Yellow and whites are the most attractive to some pest, like Japanese beetle.
Then find out where they like to leave their offspring. Is it growing in your yard is it a favorite plant of yours that allow them to reproduce?
(Don’t fret you can still have it I have a plan back to it later.) But pulling it and growing something else will help alleviate the situation.
Now let’s say your wonderful neighbor just love that ragweed and allows it to go to seed for the fun of it you know letting nature take it's course...
Here is where your knowledge is going to let your neighbor continue to be wonderful and your rose be nearly free of their pests that they are breeding next door 10 feet away!
You are going to identify the pest, find out what it doesn't like I’m now talking the predator!
The one who enjoys working in your garden to alleviate the stress of ridding your rose of the monster that would otherwise destroy your rose buds as soon as they hatch. Sorta like a preying mantis or frogs or the wonderful lady bug and you will order a few sacs or little nest full of babies .You are going to place them near your concerned roses (if possible, some rosarians have roses everywhere and many ) and let them work for you!
****Before you spend hours of researching lets post what we know about which weed/plants may be play the role as host for the pests.
I know that feverfew is a breeding heaven for aphids so I can rid my garden of them or grow them elsewhere Away from the roses so that I know where the aphids are, put some lady beetles babies next to those plants that I purposely grow and there you have it!
Lady bugs will stick around and rid you of your problem
Aphids may not come unexpectedly from your neighbor you are sorta gathering them from where ever they may be and watching them .They are going to show up no matter what, If your neighbor is breeding them they will be at your rose in no time flat!
Let’s say you only grow roses. You will not have a clue as to who is going to attach your beloved. You would say I have no idea where they came from just showed up one day.
I just visited my roses 2days ago and they were fine! Unbelievable!!! Look at my rose buds!
Well hopefully you will know when someone’s on its way and prevent the best you can.
Now, you can grow Fever few by your roses also, say a few feet if that rose always gets infested or just simply attacked the fever few plant, should lure them to it and again the lady beetle will get it .No sense in wasting time waiting for the lady beetle to do its job while your buds are being snacked upon. Let fever few or whatever plant you like be the host and save your rose.
Now. if you have not had a problem or do not foresee that you will have aphids reproducing on your roses ,well then that preventative care isn't need Do not grow it !
Or you can grow plants that aphids HATE and will not go to, here is where the life of the herb comes in play!
Share what you know!
The best prevention is planning ahead but how does one plan ahead of a problem they are not aware of.
Get aware!
One must have a really good idea as to what is growing on one’s land along with the adjacent Properties, in pots or the in the ground if at all possible!
If you have a few neighbors like I do that just let things go to seed for the passion of not pulling; you will then know you have work to do.
I would first read about all the pest and diseases that like to destroy roses then read up on your particular rose in concern.
Note, it is said the color will make a difference in pest. Yellow and whites are the most attractive to some pest, like Japanese beetle.
Then find out where they like to leave their offspring. Is it growing in your yard is it a favorite plant of yours that allow them to reproduce?
(Don’t fret you can still have it I have a plan back to it later.) But pulling it and growing something else will help alleviate the situation.
Now let’s say your wonderful neighbor just love that ragweed and allows it to go to seed for the fun of it you know letting nature take it's course...
Here is where your knowledge is going to let your neighbor continue to be wonderful and your rose be nearly free of their pests that they are breeding next door 10 feet away!
You are going to identify the pest, find out what it doesn't like I’m now talking the predator!
The one who enjoys working in your garden to alleviate the stress of ridding your rose of the monster that would otherwise destroy your rose buds as soon as they hatch. Sorta like a preying mantis or frogs or the wonderful lady bug and you will order a few sacs or little nest full of babies .You are going to place them near your concerned roses (if possible, some rosarians have roses everywhere and many ) and let them work for you!
****Before you spend hours of researching lets post what we know about which weed/plants may be play the role as host for the pests.
I know that feverfew is a breeding heaven for aphids so I can rid my garden of them or grow them elsewhere Away from the roses so that I know where the aphids are, put some lady beetles babies next to those plants that I purposely grow and there you have it!
Lady bugs will stick around and rid you of your problem
Aphids may not come unexpectedly from your neighbor you are sorta gathering them from where ever they may be and watching them .They are going to show up no matter what, If your neighbor is breeding them they will be at your rose in no time flat!
Let’s say you only grow roses. You will not have a clue as to who is going to attach your beloved. You would say I have no idea where they came from just showed up one day.
I just visited my roses 2days ago and they were fine! Unbelievable!!! Look at my rose buds!
Well hopefully you will know when someone’s on its way and prevent the best you can.
Now, you can grow Fever few by your roses also, say a few feet if that rose always gets infested or just simply attacked the fever few plant, should lure them to it and again the lady beetle will get it .No sense in wasting time waiting for the lady beetle to do its job while your buds are being snacked upon. Let fever few or whatever plant you like be the host and save your rose.
Now. if you have not had a problem or do not foresee that you will have aphids reproducing on your roses ,well then that preventative care isn't need Do not grow it !
Or you can grow plants that aphids HATE and will not go to, here is where the life of the herb comes in play!
Share what you know!