Pumpkin seeds sprouting inside pumpkin??

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I remember following the "Pinky" story too. That was one of the funniest things that ever happened on GG.
Kath, I have two more of those small pumpkins that the girls wanted for Halloween time, but I won't be driving down there soon enough to do any good. I have considered saving some of the seeds, but I grew those pretty close to the Hubbard Squash, so the seeds may not hold true. I am considering staying with a single variety next season though so I could count on the seeds. I have saved quite a few of the seeds from The Hubbards and dried them. One batch I rolled in a little olive oil and Worcestershire Sauce and roasted them. They won't sprout, but they make a decent snack and they are loaded with good stuff in the way of vitamins and minerals. I got that info from the diabetes dietician.
you can take a drive up here with your little sprouts and we can plant them in the greenhouse....When we were in Sacramento and would find this we just put them in at the edge of the compost and covered them with straw...come spring they were growing and a head start on the plants...but not sure where you are they would survive....
but for next year as you have a small space for your veggies...you might want to grow things up such as your pumpkins...on a fence...

Just joining your group as I found an answer to my "sprouts inside pumpkin" on your forum. I think I need to do something to get my name and info under the picture I uploaded. Susanna
It is Susanna. I am trying to find my way around this wonderful new place. I posted under your post (somewhere ...???) and my name came up automatically beside the photo to my right. But here the name is still missing. You are up in Canada. Do you know if there's anyone on this forum who is from the US High Plains area (Kansas, Nebraska, etc.)?
*LOL !!!
I don't believe I have ever read or heard of such a thing! If I did read it it sure didn't register*LOL
Do you have a picture!!!!!!! This is just too interesting....
You actually see roots! No way!!!*lol

When can you set your seedlings out safely?
Here is the 1st week of June; way too early.Can plant sooner if you watch and cover and pray.

Ok Now..Crabber, How do you know of this, have you personally seen this too!???
Or where did you read or find out??
Inquiring mind here needs help!:eek::eek:
Yes, Crabber, I remember PINKY! Crazy squash indeed!*LOL!
What other veggies / fruit!! Crabber??
Flower4Yeshua, you actually saw this too!!!??
he he he he.

I want to see:D:D!Someone, anyone!! (smile) Scarez, take a pic!!!!!!!!!!

Crabber, can this occur here in MI. !?? (confused)

Kale (cheese smile)

I have never seen this before. I'm cleaning out my wonderful little pie pumpkins and saving the seeds, and SOME, okay, MANY of these seeds are already sending out ROOTS!!


Does this mean I need to put those guys in dirt, like, immediately??
Do I keep them moist to save them? Seems really EARLY to start plants NOW.

HELP, I need advice!
Hey there! I know this thread is very old :) But i want to answer too. It sounds like your seeds are super eager to grow! You can definitely plant them in soil if you want to start growing them indoors, but if you’re not ready for that yet, keeping them moist and in a cool place might help slow them down. It is a bit early, so don’t worry too much if you decide to wait. Good luck with your pumpkins! 🌱

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