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I have a red raspberry that is right behind my shed and is in the shade most of the time. It gives a few berries each year but doesn't seem to grow much. I was wondering if it would be better to move it to a sunny place in the yard?
Yes it would do better in the sun. I'd move it in early spring before the leaves come out on it.
The leaves just started coming out. Is it too late to transplant? In Ohio early spring usually last through May LOL.
= you could move them, just keep them well watered.
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I agree with Annette, you could move them. Just keep them well watered.
Whew, good thing because I moved them yesterday!
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I try not to bare root them if they have leaves. You might consider giving it shade untill it is healed in real well. The hot sun could burn the tender leaves, especially after trama such as a move

I didn't transplant what I call the mother plant. I just transplanted the babies that were coming up around the mother plant. If that makes sense. I don't think I can get the big plant dug up, looks like the roots go under the shed.
The new growth won't produce berries this year so don't be disappointed. Rasberries produce on the new canes the 2nd season they come up.
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The cuttings that I took from the Cascade Blackberries about a month ago are looking good, so I'm sure thay have rooted. I probably won't get them into their permanent home though for at least a couple more weeks.
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Blackberries and Bluberries are in full swing here. We may get to crops of blackberries this year they came so early!
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I saw blooms on the blueberries on Monday when I drove over the mountain to a dental appointment. My balckberries are looking pretty lush at this point. They love the rain and the cool temps.
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i'll be out in a about a month or so randy to get some of the blueberries and other berries, yummy
Fresh berries are so yummy! My blueberry bush is looking good since I put a cage around it so the rabbits won't eat it to the ground. My strawberries are blooming! Yum can't wait for them.
Our blueberries are in full bloom, the one year old plants caught up to the two year olds after just one season. I need to be sure to get the nets out of the basement to cover them this year, and make sure to keep them well watered. The few that survived the birds last year were small and sour. I noticed that our local farm market has fresh asparagus for sale. I will have to get some for Sunday dinner. Yum.
I have TopHat Blueberry. Will I have to cover them too? If it blooms this year that is. I never thought about the birds eating them. I know the birds didn't eat the red raspberries last year or even the cherries.
The birds like them, for sure. I had the nets to cover them, but was too lazy or something last summer. This year they are getting netted for sure.
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The birds get most of our cherries before we get to them. They work over the blackberries pretty well too, but there are enough of those so I don't mind sharing. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to