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Anyone living in the New England area may recall last summers early washout; where towards the end of May and continuing on through June, we had about 6 weeks of steady rain.
Naturally, I planted a new Korean Dogwood at the beginning of May, only to have it drown. It developed root root from all the rain and promptly died.

Luckily, the nursery where I purchased it has a 1 year guarantee and will replace it for free....good, since I paid a pretty penny for it.

Here is hoping this summer will bring sun, like Mother Nature intended & my 2nd dogwood shal grow healthy and eventually look like this:


~~fingers crossed!~~

I remember all the rain from last year, my red dogwood had a hard time making it last summer but this year it seem to be coming back, there are a few small flowers on it :) so I think it will be ok

I remember all the rain from last year, my red dogwood had a hard time making it last summer but this year it seem to be coming back, there are a few small flowers on it :) so I think it will be ok


Love your red dogwood I have never seen one like it.:)
I always wanted to try one, but alas, they are borderline hardy to zone 6!
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Ron, I'm in zone 5a and most of the dogwoods do well in this zone, the reason mine didn't do well last year from all the rain my back yard becomes a small lake because of the clay this year I've add sand to the soil every time I plant some thing, to help it drain better and maybe we won't get all the rain at one time this year
It is rare to see one even in the city! And, when I did find one it was small and shrub-like! These I found in sheltered areas with warmer micro climates!
Along the lakeshore I have not seen any!
Even magnolias are rare around here, though I will be trying one of the hardier species!
My mother asked me, the other day, whether I was planning on planting one on the property! I think I may try one of the smaller species that is winter hardy to zone 4!
Getting back to Dogwoods; it is the extreme cold, dry winter winds that are the problem up here! Across the lake in Erie Pensylvania, and west into Ohio I've seen wonderful specimens! They were large trees!
I enjoy these trees alot,so one day I bought 3 of them as they were really young and reasonable ( white ),planted them in a pot so that they would get a good start and left them be for afew years. ( all in the same pot,btw ) Now,I nolonger have 3,but about 12. ( I tried to seperate them ,no luck ) I dug a hole out in my yard acouple years ago now and planted the whole bunch together. ( they seem like they are doing well ) In afew years from now,I plan to shape it in a form of a bush and where I have it planted,it will be one of a kind,I'm sure - it's already a conversation piece! * it's just now starting to leaf out *


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