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Bonnie Grant

Watering the garden can either be a big chore or an opportunity for Zen-like reflection. If you use the right tools, the job goes more quickly, efficiently and is much easier, all of which helps polish the Zen-like luster. Crenova has garden tools that are not only smart but super durable and designed for your comfort. Simple touches, like ergonomic handles, can relieve hands and make watering a much more delightful task.

Water usage is a concern in most municipalities and smart watering can help reduce costs and ensure healthy plants. Sprinkler systems on timers, drip irrigation and soaker hoses are all excellent ways to irrigate large spaces, but for containers and small gardens, hand watering often makes the most sense. This is because you can directly water only the plants that need it, avoiding runoff and irrigating non-porous surfaces that don’t require moisture. There are few things more frustrating than a misplaced sprinkler that is only watering the siding of the home or a sidewalk. With a good hand tool and hose, you can be water wise and ecologically aware.

Hand watering may be difficult for those with certain limitations. Depressing the spray nozzle trigger is painful for those with arthritis or carpel tunnel syndrome. The Crenova Spray Nozzle HN-04, however, has an ergonomic nozzle with a little latch that will keep spraying consistent without constant hand pressure. The product also has an ergonomic, non-slip handle that is formed to fit the human hand comfortably.

Ensuring the ideal amount of water flow and spray pattern helps get the job done without waste. Crenova’s nozzle has six spray patterns that can allow pressure washing all the way down to gentle mist. The wide range of spray patterns make the nozzle extremely adaptable in the garden, garage and home. It also features a flow control knob to adjust the patterns from light to maximum pressure, a very useful feature if you plan on using the sprayer for a variety of jobs. With this nozzle, you can easily wash your car or lightly mist your garden starts without damaging them.

Smart watering starts with knowledge of your plants, attention to weather and to sun exposure, as well as the right tool for the job. In container situations, it can be helpful to group plants with similar water needs together. For instance, if you have several potted succulents, keep them in the same site. These low-water use plants will only need occasional watering. However, if you have large trees in containers, these will need much more constant moisture. Grouping plants with similar water needs will keep you from the nuisance of dragging the hose around plants that don’t need water in order to access those that do.

Cheap spray nozzles may leak or break in just one season. The Crenova Spray Nozzle is made of 100% metal with a durable brass head. The sprayer is one-piece in design, guaranteeing no leaks. And it even has a 1-year promise of replacement if any leaks do somehow develop. The nozzle also comes with a rubber hose washer and male brass quick hose connector. The product is easy to order off Amazon and qualifies for free shipping with orders over $25.

Crenova offers products you can trust at a value that gives you peace of mind and a helping hand in the garden.

The post Smart Watering in the Garden appeared first on Gardening Know How's Blog.

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