I sell through a local farmers market, in a normal year. This year I may no do that. This is being the year of bad things going on in the garden. For openers I'm only working about half my normal area. As the result of some surgery gone awry I have very limited use of my left hand and it took me just a couple days shy of forever to get the soil ready and crops planted.
Dealing with the smaller space I cut way back on sweet corn, I've only got two varieties planted, one yellow and one bi-color. Both will be coming off at about the same time, generally not a good thing. I also put in some popcorn because the granddaughter thought it would be "cool". The sweet corn will go both to the market and I will probably set up on the roadside for a few days as well.
Acorn squash is starting to flower. I have 25 hills of then, planted in four batches about 10 days apart. Hoping I can stretch the season out to 6-8 weeks as I have an order for 30-35 a week for as long as I can keep them coming.
I didn't get a lot of broccoli started and what I had bolted in this heat wave we're having. It started to show some small curds and in two days they got about golf ball size and turned bitter. Nibbled on one this morning, had to go get a McGreasy breakfsat to get the taste out of my mouth.
Cabbages seen to doing OK, tomatoes are setting fruit, I sprayed them with copper yesterday just in case the blight comes around again. Cantalope was a fizzle again this year. I keep hoping for a year like I had with them in '08, vine ripened melons, just one step short of heaven. Pumpkins are doing well although they will get a little nitrogen nudge as they are a little light colored in some spots. While I do sell as many as I can I'm doing pumpkins primarily for the grandkids and their friends. I'm hoping to figure out just who will be coming this year so I can personalize a pumpkin for each of them. If the Atlantic Giants and Prizewinners yield like the PWs did last year I can scribe names in them and send the kids looking for "their" pumpkin.
The onions will probably be ready too much before anything else for them to make it to market so I'm not sure just what will happen to them. Last year we made a lot of relish that used cukes, cabbage, onions and peppers. There is still a lot of that left so I'm not sure we'll make any this year. Incidentally, red cabbage makes for beautiful color in relish.
Peppers are doing fairly well, seeing a few blossoms now so they will be a while developing.
I'm hoping that with what I have coming along I can get into the market for 6 weeks or so, time will tell.