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Thanks, I'll be starting my tomatoes in about 3-4 months. Too far away...Sure wish it was almost time to plant the seeds. I want to try some of the ones that you and Randy grow. They sound yummy.
I planted Heirlooms this year and they still have fruit on them. We have had 2 light freezes and several frost and they look good. I can't believe it. My worst problem is late blight. But this yearwith the heirlooms I had no problem.
When Fay blew us around we flooded for so long that when the sun came out it boiled everything. But these tomatoes survived!
Thanks for the link I'm sure I will be needing it.
Also Heirlooms here....They really are the best tasting tomatoes....have not grown a one I was not happy with...
Laurie I di think you are talking about the sungold...they are a wonderful littlecherry type tomatoe...I think I have some more seeds...I can send them along to you if you wouldlike
Yes that is what I think they are called. I would love some seeds. I know it was either you or Randy that sid they had some extra seeds they could share with me. No rush on them.. You can put them in my Christmas card if you send them this yr
I need some help. This is my first year growing tomatoes from seeds. I have some that are coming up but then they droop and fall over. I mist them everyday and have them on a heat mat. What am I doing wrong. I sure want them to make it.
Droop and fall over is not a good thing!
Do they fall over at the soil level? If so then they are suffering from damping-off:
You will definitely need to stop misting them!
Yes they are falling over at soil level. Ok I will stop misting them and just water. So far I have lost two. I hope I don't lose any more. Thanks for the link Ron.
One thing you can do is when they fall over let them be , cover the stem that is on the ground with soil, restake or cage the top of the plat. Tomatoes will root from their main stalk and this will give you a healthier sturdier plant base. It also causes more bushing and less lank
One thing you can do is when they fall over let them be , cover the stem that is on the ground with soil, restake or cage the top of the plat. Tomatoes will root from their main stalk and this will give you a healthier sturdier plant base. It also causes more bushing and less lank
These are the tiny seedlings only a few days old Crabbergirl. They are so delicate. I haven't touched them, just let the new ones come up around the ones that have fallen over.
I just checked them and the soil is dry but two more have fallen over. At this rate looks like I will not be growing my tomatoes from seed after all. I really wanted to do that. The seed starting mix is new and I used Peat pots. I am so confused as to what is wrong. If it is a disease where is it coming from. I have them on a metal shelf, in a tray and on a heat mat.
That is the best resource around, bar none! It's got tons of great information! It doesn't just pertain to growing in Texas. It has information about all sorts of diseases and pest problems and ways to deal with them. You can print the thing, too, and keep the printed copy as a resource.
That's a great idea! It seems that tomatos are one of those plants that either go great, or some years give you fits. Very good idea to share the link. I have mine up and growing in flats... As always I've started lots of 4th of July plants which I will set out in Wall-O-Water hot houses in another couple of weeks... These are for the fair, and a few main crop plants for later on... Our fair is so early that I have to use every trick in the book to get red ripe ones in time to enter.... Dave
Is there any circulation between your heat mat and what you have the seeds and soil in? My propagation mats have a wire racks over them about a inch between the mat and rack that you put your seeds/dirt on.
Dor, did you use regular potting soil? Most of the time, that stuff doesn't drain well enough. When you plant new ones, try adding a good amount of Perlite and peat moss to your soil mix, or as an alternative, plant the seeds in a soil-less mix altogether. This is awfully late for us to be starting seeds though, since by next week, most places will have their plants outside already.
Another thing, use a soil mix without any fertilizer in it...Seeds don't need the fertilizer and you can't tweak the fertilizer for what you intend to grow -- potting soil has a general fertilizer that isn't meant for all plants. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to