Watering roses recovering from re-planting

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A few weeks ago, I dug up and then re-planted some dwarf roses, each about 2-3 feet tall. They are all recovering, except one. I was told to make sure that they have plenty of water, so I'm watering the one that is struggling every other day.

Is this a good habit? Will the roots get rot, if they have so much water? Usually when I water that plant, I can still see that the soil is brown (from the water from the previous watering)....

What is the best way to treat a plant still in shock? I have been using doses of SuperThrive with the struggling plants as well.
Wait until the soil surface is dry before rewatering. Then water deeply.
I'd reduce the total growth, branches, by one third to help out the settling in period for all of them, regardeless if they have flower buds!

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