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I talked about this years ago on GG. Just think how many roadside weeds are pretty.
And, goofy me...I didn't take pics.
This year I had chicory, ox-eyed daisies, Queen-Annes Lace, milkweed, teasel, water iris, fall aster, black-eyed Susans, loosestrife, and the centerpiece...the tallest mullien you ever saw!! With wild morning glories climbing up it! And others I don't even know the names of. I realize you need to be careful of noxious weeds. But I figure if I have them all in one area I can control a bit.
Guess you could say I tend to be a little...wild.

Purple Loosestrife is a noxious weed here in Ontario. It is choking our wetlands. Shine, you can contain them but the birds will spread their seeds so watch out that you don't have anything that is noxious to your area.
On a different note, my GD brings me oodles of wildflowers on her way home from wherever she wanders. We keep a container on a table on the deck for just that purpose and I agree some of them are very beautiful.

Yep, I know about loosestrife and check to see what I shouldn't allow to grow.
I love a vase of wildflowers!!
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When I was a kid I was on a trip with my aunt and uncle. Whenever my aunt saw something in the road ditch that she thought was pretty she had uncle stop the car and get out and dig it up for her. When she got home she would plant them in a special bed she kept for the wild ones. She didn't put them with the other flowers cause she never knew if they would take over or what. Also she said they didn't need as much water as the others. It was always cool to see what she planted it there.
I have an area we call the woodland area...and I am trying to put wildflowers around allow the animals a safe place to go, and to enjoy looking at...the wildflowers seem to need less water, and really put on a show.
I hope you will take some pics next summer, would love to see it
I was driving through a semi private drive to get to work several years ago and stopped the car dead in the road when I saw the biggest gone to seed dandelion heads I'd ever seen growing in the ditch! They turned out to be salsify, but I nabbed some of the heads and brought them home to plant some. Then I found out what they were. They grew a few years and then nothing. So I nabbed a few seeds from the plants at the library. shhh !!!! don't tell!
Those gardens sound very pretty. The wild morning glories almost choked out my peonies and peppermint by my barn, but I hope I got most of it out. They're pretty, but I like the other plants better.
Weeds....something I can't kill

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Weeds....something I can't kill
Same here, my gardens are full of them as I haven't been able to tend to them like they need to be tended the last few yrs. Hoping I will be able to tackle them next spring.
2 years ago while on the bike we passed this awesome huge really cool weed I made Bill turn around so I could take a picture. He said he would turn around but under no circumstances was he digging anything up. SO I took the pictures and went about my day then that night started a search to id the plant Thank God I didnt try to dig any of it up becuase it was hog weed.
Most of my flower garden(s) are "widl" flowers that I have dug up ,either along the road or from some old abandon farms,etc. The only thing not dug up from somewhere are some lily & daffydill bulbs and some lavender that I planted from seed. Even some of my lilies and daffodill bulbs were growing "wild" somewhere and I "had" to dig some up!
One "wildflower" that spreads like wildfire up here is Lupin. If you're not careful it will take over your flower bed!

One "weed" that I cant seem to get rid of is some kind of wild mint( I think). It's taking over my veggie garden!!!!! Have no idea where it came from, but for the last 2 years it has spread well over half my veggie garden. It smells great-but what a mennace!
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I don't have problems with lupines takien over, sure wished they would spread more here
Laurie---they really are terrible up here. Maybe a different "strain" of lupin--but boy do they spread! Against my better judgement I planted 1 "clump" of lupin (that I had dug up somewhere) in my "wildflower" garden. Now there are lupin growing in all 4 of my flower & herb gardens!

I enjoy growing wild flowers in the yard , I have wild joe pye weed, queen ann lace,wild morning glories, milkweed and a few asters, mullien. here a pic of one of my mullien from last year starting to bloom
Staff member
I seem to recall that the definition of "weed" is simply an unwanted plant.
So as long as you want them there, what you really have is a wildflower garden, or if you're careful in selecting what you plant, a native plant garden, which is highly prized in areas where they're all about "going green" etc.
As somebody has mentioned, do be careful of invasive species...
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
One "weed" that I cant seem to get rid of is some kind of wild mint( I think). It's taking over my veggie garden!!!!! Have no idea where it came from, but for the last 2 years it has spread well over half my veggie garden. It smells great-but what a mennace!
any mint that is not contained will do this...I love mints...abd peppermint is my fav...I had a bed in our old house that needed something to cover silly me added three mints...thinking I would keep undercontol and then pull out...well...that didn't happen and it was fast taking over the whole yard...I know only grow mint in containers...and make sure the roots can not get to any soil not in the container..

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

[QUOTE=GardenBear1;10842]I enjoy growing wild flowers in the yard , I have wild joe pye weed, queen ann lace,wild morning glories, milkweed and a few asters, mullien. here a pic of one of my mullien from last year starting to bloom
Mullien is one of my favorites! Such a formidable plant...great for background.
Isn't there an old saying about weeds that they're ''just plants growing in the wrong place''? I grow a lot of native grasses and ''weeds'' here too, a lot of them are a tremendous help in getting pollinators and ''good'' bugs into the garden. I wouldn't be without them is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to