What's the weather in your area? 2016 Edition

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We had a pretty day here today. There were a few clouds but not enough to impair the sun from shining through. Our high for the day was 52 degrees.
Was 36F when I went to bed last night, this morning it's 39F.
Have strong gusty winds with isolated showers and possible wet flurries.
Winds are gusting to 36 mph out of the SW with fast moving heavy cloud cover....
It has been one historically weird winter so far!!
30F with mostly cloudy skies....going up to 32 with partly sunny skies this afternoon.....with just light winds out of the WSW.
Had a light dusting of snow last night....
It was very windy yesterday with peek gust of 40-50 mph! Got up to 41, but the damps winds where nasty!
The winds died down overnight..
Mild temps will continue into next week!
It is 54 degrees outside now at 9:00 PM. I went outside briefly to walk around our circular driveway. There were some clouds but it was still somewhat sunny.
28F with isolated snow flurries.
Got a dusting overnight.
Going up to 36 with mixed precip this afternoon.
Winds out of the south at 22 mph, becoming variable later on today shifting from the SW then west....
Isolated flurries later on as the temps drop down to 27 overnight....light flurries for tomorrow with a high of 27.
We had rain overnight and this morning but it stopped and then partially cleared and we got some sunshine. With that, we had a high of almost 60 degrees.
32 here and gloomy. had some flurries earlier. maybe a clipper coming in. Ill wear my boots just in case.
The rain turned to wet snow last evening.....had a light dusting of snow by morning...
Today is a cool, but nice and sunny day...25 for the high.
It's a nice change from the latest Clipper......
Next one moves in Saturday evening and will be bringing in another round of rain/wet flurries into Sunday with a high of 43!
that clipper brought us some flurries but that was it. julie got a bit of snow up in halifax. I didnt hear about this second clipper tho.
the weather people said they are expecting us to have 50 next week for two days. wow this winter is sneaking by us with very little problems.
its very strange.
The second Clipper won't be bothering us as it will be tracking in a straight line high to the north of us, a high pressure system to the south will keep it out of the way!
23 last night and windy....this morning 32 and windy....for this afternoon 41 and windy!
Winds are out of the SW.
Got a mix of sun and clouds....
Tomorrow high of 45 with showers....

It's a Crazy winter that just cannot take hold for more then 2 days at a time....
A big problem is that the rivers and lakes are not freezing over....add all the rain rather then snow we are getting will mean the lakes will warm up sooner come spring....which means algae blooms will occure earlier and cause more problems with the supply of drinking water!...
It was a long week. We had a gift on the day of the anniversary of our son's death, thursday, it was not supposed to be, but it was very sunny and warm. We were very grateful for it. I simply can not believe it has been 5 years since I last gave him a hug and told him I love him. Today matches my mood, cloudy and showers. Summer can not come soon enough for me!
what an amazing warmish day it was today. sunny and 53. felt more like spring than a winters day the last day of jan.
Sunny and 37 this morning....will probably go up into the 40's again this afternoon.
Rained, and was very windy last night as a another warm front passed through.....
Today will be sunnier then yesterday and pretty much the same for Tuesday.
Major storm system moving in tomorrow evening..will be mostly a rain event here....we'll see what happens when it finally gets here!
started out gloomy but the sky mostly cleared and we have had a pretty sunny day. A bit chilly though, down to about 35F at night and only up to 45F this afternoon. Better than the other way!
We had a lot of clouds but enough holes to see some blue on occasion. We did get some rain but the day was dry most of the time.
Nippy last night with heavy hoar frost!!
Went down to 23F with no winds!
28F with sunny clear skies and not much of a breeze out of the NE.
Winds will start to pick up this afternoon as the latest winter storm makes its presence felt!
Set to arrive this evening...which will be mostly a rain and strong winds event for us!
39F this afternoon...37 overnight and into the low 50's tomorrow before a coldfront passes through, will probably have a wind advisory/warning issued for tonight and into tomorrow!
frost here on the cars this morning. its sunny this morning and going up to about 35. some sort of mix for tomorrow morning.
We have been staying above the frost level but not by much. It got up to 44 degrees here during the day though. Clouds were almost solid so it stayed chilly.

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