Wild or not wild?

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lazy gardener

New Member
How do I know whether my rose has new twigs or are they wild twigs?
I bought this rose


a few years ago and moved it to another spot last year (or the year before, can't remember) because it wasn't doing very well.

Now it seems like it is dead and a wild one has taken over, but I'm not sure.
I removed all the dead parts this afternoon and I'm still wondering.

Most wild ones have very small leaves, don't they? It's really frustrating! I can do without this one

I am thinking that if you
Check and see if it is growing above or below the bud or the place where it was grafted. If it is only growing from below the graft it has probably gone back to a wild variety.
I am thinking that if you
Check and see if it is growing above or below the bud or the place where it was grafted. If it is only growing from below the graft it has probably gone back to a wild variety.

I know, most of the time it is obvious, but in this case, it's really difficult to see:(
I would just wait till it blooms and decide then I guess.
I know what ya mean about the graft being hard to find at times.

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