Wild Strawberries.....

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my neighbour has a ton of wild strawberries growing in his lawn and our lawns run together, so you guess it....I am getting the strawberries over in our lawn. Last fall, I dug them out by hand and was just out today, trying to keep ahead of it. There is a vine type weed too in that area and the runners use that to increase their speed in spreading :rolleyes:
I am wondering if any of you have any suggestions as how to get rid of them, other than digging each pesky little plant out by hand????
We have them here too Jules
I think we have that other weed too, I hate it as you dig it out and a root breaks off and it comes back
I've seen wild strawberries growing but never had the problem of keeping them under control. Sorry I couldn't be of any help.
my neighbour has a ton of wild strawberries growing in his lawn and our lawns run together, so you guess it....I am getting the strawberries over in our lawn. Last fall, I dug them out by hand and was just out today, trying to keep ahead of it. There is a vine type weed too in that area and the runners use that to increase their speed in spreading :rolleyes:
I am wondering if any of you have any suggestions as how to get rid of them, other than digging each pesky little plant out by hand????

Hey Jules!
We all have our nemesis weed to contend with!
Look for a broadleaf herbicide!
I think there is an organic one available.
You will need to treat your neighbors too so you wont get them invading your lawn again!
Did a search.... yup there are quite a few available... only possible problem is that that they are non-selective:
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Thanks Ron - just knew you would be to the rescue! Will check out that site. My friend told me nothing will kill them....but I am sure there must be something! No problem to treat his wild strawberries....he doens't do much on his lawn and just did the weed and feed on it - so if I can find something, he will think that his worked on it! HA!!! They are deadly when they start in the lawn and will kill it in a season.
I have wild strawberries in my front yard and I eat them! :) It takes about 100 for a tablespoonfull, but they're good little things. In fact they're growing right under where I'm hanging in my avatar picture! I've got some in other areas that don't produce yet. But they're green so I let them grow. :)
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I have heard that they are quite flavorful, but I have never tried them or seen them.
I've eaten a few and they are good, should look to see if they have ripened or rotted with all this rain
I can remember when I was a kid they grew right next to the north side of the house. Now they're about probably 20 feet away, but it's the same size berries. I feel like a kid again finding them. Of course that doesn't take much.

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