avocado HELP!!

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74031_458353036574_752276574_5402088_3568553_n.jpgPlease tell me how its doing? Ive been germinating it for about three days now. Does it look dead or healthy ? how long should i wait for it to split?
Lokks good and healthy. It may take a few weeks to see signs of growth depending on the environment it is in. Avacados like warm humid temps with lots of light. They grow only in zones 9/10 outside. anything less than 9 will get freeze damage. I have had trees for extended periods in zone 8 but eventually the weather takes it's toll. You can successfully keep them in pots for many years indoors with the correct settings. 1.) near a window with a lot of natural light , souther exposure is beat.
2.) temps no lower than 70
3.) water when dry not before. they do not like wet feet.
hello and welcoem to the place...as Crabber said looks good...they can take several weeks to get roots going...just hang in there
Welcome welcome
I'm glad you're here.
Those seeds seem to take forever to sprout just be sure to keep the water level full and it will grow for you.

During the day while I'm at work I keep the seed in the window when I get home about five I bring it outside for some fresh air and good sun do you think it's ok to do it like that?

so what your saying is warmth is the key ? not sun i ve read alot that sun is what they need if warmth is what they need i can put them in a warmer place and right now its been like 80 -90 degrees outside whats to hot?
Welcome to the site, Smackem! :D Sorry I didn't see this thread earlier. I've studied avocado growing a lot and have tons of great info. Yours looks great and is setup exactly right but it can take as long as 6 weeks before it starts growing. When the water starts looking old be sure to change it with fresh water. And yeah, zone 9 is the best place for growing them. Anything colder and you needa grow them indoors in pots and prune them if they get too tall. Anyway, when it starts growing be sure to let us know. There are other things you'll def needa know. Oh, and 80-90 degrees should be fine but it wont need the light till it starts growing so it's better just to keep them in one place near a window. But I wouldn't try growing them in temps in the 100's. That would prolly be too hot. Hope that helps! :) If you have any questions, just ask.
the avocado

the one i had started from the start has died i left it to my family to take care of when i went away for business and i came home it had no water in it at all :( i have since started a new batch of them 9 to be exact!all have cracked and some even are pealing the skin off themselfs? is that normal?SAM_0465.jpg
Keep your eyes on the pads. They are pretty costly, about $30 each. There isn't any kind of indicator to tell when they no longer work, but you can feel them with your hand when they do. I believe they have a built-in thermostat though that shuts them off when the temperature is warm enough. I could be wrong on that though.
sometimes if a seed goes dry, as long as there was no root you can just re-add water. Seeds lay on the ground sometimes for months before ever having the right conditions to sprout.
Your babies look like they are doing good. Keep us posted.
Ill keep that in mind :) they are looking good... i think lol i just cant see anything ever happening so im never sure. They are all split some are pealing their skin away some are not? this is only going on week 2
Looks good healthy. This may take several weeks to see signs of growth in different environments, is like the warm and humid with a large number of temporary workers inches Avacados light. They grow only in areas 9 / 10 outside. No less than 9 will be frost damage.
Already got 3 growing i thinki lost some of the other ones but ill post picture once spring comes and of my winter harvests

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