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Can you plant clumping bamboo close to a house? I've heard that bamboo can ruin your foundation, but I wasn't sure if this was just the running kind or if the clumping bamboo would do this too. I have a window that I want to screen, and I figured bamboo would grow quickly.
Runners from any bamboo can damage foundations cause they pressure the cement underground until it cracks. Clumpers aren't as bad cause they send out very short runners (never very far from the clump) so it's easy to know when the runners are getting too close. A sharp shovel can be used to clip the runners before they can reach the house and if they never get longer than about 18" then the chopped-off runners will die. Most of my back yard is bamboo (25' tall). Even 6 feet from the house it makes a great screen for windows! But I def would not advise planting it any closer than 3-4 feet. Btw, the runners are usually only about 18" deep but I have had to dig 2 feet for some. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to