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My iris Before the storm is getting ready to open, with any luck it will open in the morning, it set buds last year but the dried up and fell off this year looks like its going to make it, or I'll cry, jump up and down roll on the ground in short have hissy fit

its said to be one of the darkest iris around all most pure black we will see
I can't remember the name of the other flower, but I'm sure some one can, I hope
Super Moderator
Staff member
I lost my before the storm iris, they sure are dark, sure hope yours blooms
i think my sil has one.
the other bloom is a clematis
Laure, I was hoping some one could give me the name of the flower I know its a clematis but all I can remember it has a woman name, I thank you for the help
Super Moderator
Staff member
I got Before the storm Iris last year, it has bloom this year and it is beautiful,enjoy your blooms
I have "Black Beauty" but mine doesn't look near as black as yours!!!
way kewl!!

We have blooms
when I got up this morning the flower had opened, I think its time to find some more black iris, I really like the way it looks
Holy cats Bear that is so pretty I have a "superstition" that is nearly black too
Really like the dark iris
Super Moderator
Staff member
Yup Laurie I do believe you are right it is a Nelly Moser
Laurie, that's it thanks for the help, I'm making a tag for it and will hang it in the morning, thanks again for your help is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to