Bug Problem (Pictures inside)

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Noticed these little guys crawling around one of my houseplants earlier. To me they look like millipedes but I'm no expert. Can anyone tell me for sure what they are and how to get rid of them? Is uprooting, rinsing thoroughly and repotting in sterile soil my best bet?




Hi Mrlow,
I can't say for sure what they are because I am currently on dial up and have my load set fast so pictures don't come through. How ever you can do a few things to rid indoor plants of pest.

For organic control you can use diatomacous earth spread on top of the soil. This will cut the pest as they crawl across it. Looks like dust to us but it is very sharp to pest and can also cause human discomfort if inhaled. You can also try ground red pepper sprinkled on top of the soil. This is caustic to a wide range of insects. Also searching product lines such as Gardensalive will help you find an organic commercial product to use.
If you want to go non organic, Triazicide, or such ( Poison granuales) can be mixed within soil and will provide a long lasting effect of prevention for a wide range of pest. However you will also be killing off things within the soil that benefit your plants, and some people have reactions to chemicals such as this being in the air. Be careful in your choice of chemicals know what you are dealing with.
Love moist soil and eat decaying vegetable matter!
Will eat plant roots if there isn't anything else to eat!
Place pot in a bucket of warm water and submerge it.
The little buggers will float to the surface so you can remove them!
Love moist soil and eat decaying vegetable matter!
Will eat plant roots if there isn't anything else to eat!
Place pot in a bucket of warm water and submerge it.
The little buggers will float to the surface so you can remove them!

Really? I'll have to try that and report back. Never thought of that
Hi Marlow and a warm WELCOME to our family. We are truly glad to have you, I hope you enjoy your time here.
By the way Marlow, welcome to our Merry Bunch of Gardeners forum!
Let us all know how it works out!
Soaking it got a lot of them out but I had feeling there were more so I yanked them up, bought more soil, scrubbed the pot clean, sprayed it with bug killer and repotted them. I believe it's a yucca tree, or rather three of them, and they look sad. Hope they recover. Bought an African violet while I was there lol. Couldn't help it.

Did you find more when you changed the soil?
Is it possible to take a better pic?
OH, it is probably a YUCCA MOTH Larvae (can't see, but just may be)
I wouldn't water much for a while.
Were your leaves turning yellow?
Do you have it in full sun and light?
No other pest problems?
Are you using fertilizer?

If there is a next time... Here is what I have done and would do again.

Did you fill a container with warm water and slowly set the pot in it slowly and watch for the bubbles, once the bubbles are gone, submerge the whole pot just above the top of the rim of it. Let it sit for a minute or so then slowly take it out of the water. Let it dran real well,
((recommend...if it isn't draining real well your soil is too heavy need to loosen it up...amend ) if it doesn't drain well make a path down to the holes so the water can drain.
Now, if you still have the problem you can water with peroxide or bleach water.
Peroxide 3% should be about a cap per 2cups water
Bleach should be a cap per 4cups water.(that is if it is the cheap bleach "Not " Clorox) Clorox at least 1/2 gallon water to a small cap of bleach.

Hope you solved your problem and Congratulation on your African Violet!
Do you know how to make baby AVs?


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