Bush Bean Plant

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I have one bush bean plant that I have kinda abandoned..and just when I was about to pull it up it has two purple flower blooms so my sister convinced me to keep it. It is all ate up with some kind of insect but I am willing to give it a try.

I have a family of four..so how many plants do I need?
For just my husband and I , I plant about 30 then I add another 30 for loss due to pest. This ensures I have plenty. I freeze or can what is excess then in the winter I have a nice stash of semi fresh veggies.
I planted about the same number Nancie!
30 seeds~yellow wax, and 30 seeds~green!
It will be more then enough for the two of us!
They sure love this heat, the bushes are loaded with flowers!!
Should start picking next week!
Stir-fry, steamed with butter, bean soup, beef and bean stew....... I should be sick of string beans in a couple of weeks!
I think I might need some more recipes!
I am preping for fall planting right now. The first thing I am planting is Dixie lee peas. I can't wait>
I don't have room for peas this year!
I'll be digging up more lawn to make the veggie garden larger this fall!
Once my beans are finished I'll let the butternut squash take over that area!

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