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I would love rooted cuttings, or just cuttings of red or pink, or yellow epis. Can anyone help out? Thanks
I don't know what epis are. Please tell me.
Hi Kyra,
Sorry, Epiphyllums, orchid cactus. Such as Night Blooming Cereus. They are wonderful. Would love cuttings rooted or not, that bloom other than white from anyone, please. Oh Kyra, you have to check them out. Be patient tho as I've read they take quite a while to bloom.
I think maybe a friend of mine still has hers. It is BRIGHT red and she will love to part with one. If she still has hers.
I'll ask her in the next few days.
Can you tell me how to root it? I have a nice fushia color.
Super Moderator
Staff member
I think GardenBear grows these too.I think he posted some pics someplace on here
yep this old bear can help with a cutting and tell you how to get a cutting started, so you want a Night Blooming Cereus or a epie, its still to early to sends plants in the mail they wouldn't make it do to the cold for some strange reason the don't like the cold
but come late April I can send you cutting from my cereus and yellow florence these 2 grow like weeds for me.
How to grow from cutting, this is very easy to do #1 all cutting should have there name on them use a magic marker and then make a tag to hang on the pot that was the hard part #2 let cut the ends heal over before planting about 2 or 3 days after you get them I use a qt pot to start all my cuttings any well draining mix will work. place cutting in pot with damp soil never wet the cutting will rot real fast if you do just mist lightly. #3 the really really really hard part is the wait they will take a few weeks to root mist 2 or 3 times a week but only lightly they don't drink water until they start to root,#4 after a few weeks tug on them lightly to see if there firm in the pot or if you see new growth then you know its rooted #5 water very lightly they don't like wet feet,#6 feed the once a month after they start to grow I use Miracle-gro for house and garden but that is just some thing I like for all my jungle cactus and other potted plants.Come winter time they like shorter day light and less food and water they need this time of year to rest so the can bloom in the summer. this is one thing I can not stress enough never put then in the full sun they will burn fast than a babies butt I keep mine in a shade house or hanging in a tree if you grow Xmas cactus you can grow epies
here a pic of my unknown rose colored on it looks more pink in the pic but its more rose
enough for now I could go on for hours. for those who want to know more about then I will be more than happy to help but Please remember I'm not a expert on growing epies I know what has worked for me and with over 400 plants I've done OK this is just a hobby for me and I don't really do this just to resale them, I give lots away just for the heck of it
and try and help when I can
moving all my epies out to the shade house last spring
the guard dog she just might lick you to death
Bear, thanks for the great info on growing epi cuttings. I'm going to record all of this on paper. Now I will hold you to a cutting of from your cereus and yellow florence okay?
Will PM you.
Thanks again.
Debe' I checked with my friend and she gave her plant away last year. SORRY
Super Moderator
Staff member
FlowersforLife are you offering anything in trade for the Epis cuttings? Been out of town trying to catch up from all the post. Welcome to the group. Noticed you are from New Orleans, I was there for a few days just got home last night.
Dale, sorry I have not responded, just now seeing your post. Glad you visited N.O.
For a trade, let's see, I have mother of thousands plant, apostle iris (blooms white with purple) young desert rose (would love to trade those for ones I do not have).
Do you have rooted red cereus cuttings or plant?
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Debe' I checked with my friend and she gave her plant away last year. SORRY
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
For a trade, let's see, I have mother of thousands plant, apostle iris (blooms white with purple) young desert rose (would love to trade those for ones I do not have).
Do you have rooted red cereus cuttings or plant?
I was given two Orchid Cactus plants last say's red...I can take a start off if you would like and send it along to you..
OOPS Debe' I posted the wrong name sorry
That would be great. I will PM you. Thanks so much!
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
OOPS Debe' I posted the wrong name sorry
no problem...just had me reading and re-reading as I thought i missed something...LOL
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
That would be great. I will PM you. Thanks so much!
Got your PM......will be on it's way in a few weeks when we are sure the temps will keep it safe insteadof killing it... is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to