Cannas a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


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I didn't get to bring in my cannas over the winter (Ohio) because of my surgeries. They were in great big pots. Do you think they will be ok? They attracted so many humming birds last year! I just might have to grab some more from my mom.:D
I didnt know they atract hummingbirds! Oh I will have to think about that now, I have never tried cannas before. From what I understand they are pretty hardy though. Maybe it depends on what kind you have, I am not sure.

I have to bring my cannas in here or they freeze, even in the ground. I also get the hummers, my blooms are bright orange/red.
I have to bring mine inside in zone 5
I tried leaving a couple one winter and really mulched them but they didn't come back
As far as I know cannas are a zone 8 and higher hardiness. I lost my lucifer that way (I didn't know it had to be dug up)
I am in zone 9 so I don't have to bring my cannas in. I didn't know they attract hummingbirds. I have them in pots and in the ground.
I knew someone else in Oh and she always dug hers in the winter. But I guess you will have to let us know if they come back or not. You might be very surprised
I didn't get to bring in my cannas over the winter (Ohio) because of my surgeries. They were in great big pots. Do you think they will be ok? They attracted so many humming birds last year! I just might have to grab some more from my mom.:D

Some varieties of cannas attract hummingbirds. They aren't real cold hardy. I keep mine in the ground, but I'm in zone 8. If you've had a real harsh winter, I don't know whether they'd come back. In the future, just bring the whole pot inside. The disadvantage to growing them in pots, or having to dig them up is that they won't spread the way they do when they're free to grow in the ground. Also, covering them with a heavy layer of mulch helps. Did you cut them down after the first light freeze nipped the foliage? If you didn't, I'm not sure whether the rhizomes would have had enough food to sustain them through the winter.

I wouldn't bet on having them survive.
warmer weather

What I need is to move where it is warmer. That way I wouldn't have to dig or move anything in. If they do come back up I will let you know.:rolleyes:
some of us have done that. You don't have to dig but then there are things that grow in the colder climates that you can't have here. I miss the lilacs and some other things that I always used to have.
Well, I dug out my canna's from my pots and they were mush. So now I know you can't leave them in pots over winter in Ohio.
Well, I dug out my canna's from my pots and they were mush. So now I know you can't leave them in pots over winter in Ohio.

That probably would have been okay if you had brought them into a warmer place. Typically, I think that your Ohio winters are too cold to keep cannas outside.

Even in zone 8, I put a heavy layer of mulch over mine. You never know whether you're going to have a really adverser winter -- even in warmer zones.
My cannas

Here's a few of my cannas for 2009.


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Here's a few more:


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Here are my first 2 blooms of 09'
They are Cleopatra just budding and Rosemond Cole the first flower of the season!


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Very pretty Dor! I have decided not to do Cannas this year. I will be starting school in Sept. That would be about the time to dig them up again. My mom has hers and I will wait til maybe next year when I will have more time.
My Cleopatra is just budding and I don't know what happened to my Rosamond Cole Treva. I guess she just didn't make it. I bought Picasso from Home Depot.
I got the rosemond cole from Dizzy, remind me and when it multiplies I will send you some!
What is Picasso?
My Cleopatra is just budding and I don't know what happened to my Rosamond Cole Treva. I guess she just didn't make it. I bought Picasso from Home Depot. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
