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Here is a project I have been working on. I hope to finish in soon. Need to add a border and my backing and will be finished.
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Very Nice. I have made 2 crazy quits, like my grammie used to make. About 15 yrs ago I decided I wanted to learn how to make them, grammie was in her late 80's then so I bought some material and then she had lots of scraps. I set up my sewing machine in her living room and she showed me how to make a crazy sq. I'm so glad that I learned how to do it. I do have problems with sewing straight lines. My mom had to sew the squares together and put the backing on for me. I then taught my mom how to make the squares as she had never learned and I'm surprised as my grammie was always making quilts, pot holders, aprons, you name it and she made it. I have a few quilts that she made me when I was a kid, have a matching doll one too. Also have some that my gr grammie made. WHen I moved into my house, my grammie gave me a few quilts that she had in the house so I bought a quilt ladder to put them on. My mom just gave me a quilt that she made for me. We still have material from grammies house and we were looking at the quilt the other night and saying grammie had a dress out of this material and that material It was ncie as it brought back some good memories.
My mother and grandmother taught me how to quilt. My birthday is in November so I couldn't go to school because of the September 1st rule. My mom sent me anyway and I was sent home. To pacify me my mom taught me to make my first quilt using scraps and newspaper. I sewed the scraps on to newpaper squares and then trimmed the fabric even. My mom and grandmother quilted it for me. I think I want to make another one of those. I don't know if it even hasa name. I am now making quilts for my three children and six grands. I am also working on a green and white tree quilit. I will be keeping that one for myself.
Thank you Jade.
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Dor the quilt is beautiful. So glad you are almost finished it.
Dor, how talented you are. I am afraid I wouldn't have the patience to stick with it.. My momma used to do small pieces since she learned this later in life.
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Making things like this to hand down or leave to loved ones means so much. Your quilt is absolutely beautiful Dor.
When my Mom passed I looked for things that she made herself..these would be special as they were made from her own hands. There wasn't much and there was so much family to share with.
I decided that my cross stitch pieces would be a good idea to pass down later to my children and grands. It takes about as long or longer to make a 12 inch X 16 inch cross stitch as it does a quilt! I have a few completed and still working on one I started in December. After I complete as much cross stitching as I'd like, I might just try a quilt or two.
Dor, it's beautiful! A handmade quilt like that is something to be treasured. Gloria, your cross stitches are also beautiful! We've got some extraordinarily talented people here.
Dor what a beautiful quilt.
Laurie How lucky you were to learn to do crazy quilts. I think I am going to try my hand at it this year.
Dor, what a great looking quilt, there lots of work, but in then you can stand back and say I made that, I've lots of quilts over the years and still enjoy it,I don't hand stitch them most are hand tied so they can be used for every day.
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Many years ago I worked for a lady that made curtains, bedspreads and quilts. Her quilts were not of the handmade piece quilt design but but made from the same material as the curtains. She mailed the "top" to a company which machine quilted (factory quilting) it to a backing. Does anyone know of any place that still does this?
Laura I sure would like to learn how to do the crazy quilts. Post some so we can see please. Thank you all for the comliments. Gardenbear I hand quilt some of the small quilts but have taken to machine quilting. I take my beaspreads and comforters to a quilt shop. My mother and sister tack their quilts. I am now cutting out 12" squares of denim and sportwear to make a quilt for my son. My grandson will be getting the quillows with football them on the front. My youngest grandaughter is getting Raggetty Ann and Andy and my 1st granddaughter loves Tinker Bell so I am looking for that. My nephnew's daughter Shaylon is getting lavender for her birthday in May, and my youngest sister's granddaughter will probably get Dora the Explorer.
I have a few cross stitch patterns but never seem to have time to fit them in Gloria.
I think I am going to do a a scrap quilt on the newspaper or brown paper and surprise my mother for her birthday in November. I will have to machine quilt it or take it to the quilt shop if I don't have time to finish it.
Just beautiful. I made one for my fiance for Christmas using old jeans. Took forever, I'll have to get a picture of it. It weights about 25 lbs.
I am working on my quilting and went to Walmart today to get some fabric to fill in what I needed. I need 22 different in 1/8 yard pieces as I am making pieced quilts. The lady that was cutting told me the less amount I could buy was 12 inches, 1/3 yard. I was dumbstruck and advised her I had never heard of a fabric center selling fabric like that. I know that Drapery fabric the least amount you can buy is 1 yard or can get free swatches if you are not sure about the fabric. Walmart sells lots of quilting and craft supplies and fabrics so I can't image that to be true of if it was just the clerk. I have to call and speak with a manager.
Very Nice
Love the quilt! I can't sew very well but if I could fabric glue the pieces together I could make a quilt!

Dor your quilt is beautiful. I hope you will speak to the manager as I've never heard of that policy either. You shouldn't have to buy more then you need. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to