Howdy compost users!
I use compost tea! I use compost in several ways I make my own. One way is:
I simply place 6 to 8 inches of home made compost in 5 gallon buckets that have many tiny holes on the bottom, I fill it very fast with rainwater and let it drip into the plants living grounds as needed.I also place some in my 32 gallon rain barrel and use a pump to 'spray my leaves of the veggies and 3-4 times per season on my roses.
I beg to differ with anyone that hasn't taken the time to actually do it and log the results after a complete season. Now if your compost is homemade turned on a dedicated schedule and that has correct ratio of browns and greens then you will indeed get excellent results.
Once one understand the actual structure of a leaf, say on a tomato plant one would have to agree that it takes in nutrients from the leaves. therefore feeding them will give positive results. Blueaussi, I thought you knew this information.Compost can be placed in the exact hole the veggie will go in or on the side or on top, it will keep pest away if your eco system isnt running smoothy yet (immature) that is what I did for years until my system came togather took about 4 complete seasons (the 5th was great) to get every one living a happily.Everyone has their home and places to dine and I welcome everyone aphids and all!
Now there is a more work system like what cheese cloth method, I have too much to water to go that route but it sure does work.Used it for my potted plants of all kinds.
I have a friend that doesn't want to take the time out to do her homework and thinks if you just trow leaves and grass in a pile in a corner of your lot because you dont want to bag it it is valid to say it is compost.*LOL no it is a pile of leaves and grass that were put out of the way .She is the one that walks around her yard with a 5gallon pump of some sort spraying all her plants to death,nearly killed me with that horrifying spray.When she wants to see nature she comes to my house.
She has the talents and understanding of a great balanced garden she just wont go organic and make a "real" compost pile.That is fine it is her gardens.Very beautiful selection at that.
Now as far as Fish emulsion and kelp powder, I used both this year I had 4 new beds and temps were delaying and thought it would help.I agree it helps it will also draw in some extra flies for the praying mantis.
I have a few roses that need more of a boost and gave them a tiny doseage.I woldnt use it every watrin glike I do compost for veggies but I do see a nice bloom time and didn't get black spot on well over 50 roses when I sprayed them with kelp.
I used that spray thingy you screw onto your hose for "lawn " only I didn't use chemical and there was never a chemical in it. As far as bio activators I found them to be totally useless.If you have foods and greens and browns then you are fine turn on a schedule that is beneficial for the pile and you are good to go.
No oils or fats or meat of any kind.