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I wasn't sure whether I should ask this here or in the herb section. I have this across the front of my house the past year it was lovely green all summer. It must be getting better light since my old tree came down. But I'm wondering what can I use it in. I've seen wines and jellies made with sweet woodruff, but I don't know if there's any other uses for it. Anyone have other uses for it? Thanks.
It is used to make german May wine-- but you must dry it first--before the essential oils become sweet, it's also a great herbal for cleaning the liver. But again you must dry it first. I've mixed it with chamomile for cholic in babies or people with Irritable bowel issues.
Sweet woodruff is also great put in sleep pillows, in drawer sachets and pot pourri.
Brassi,that is so nteresting..
Pretty cool.I grow him.I adore his flowers!
But before you go steeping I would make certain he is steepable...

Deckchucker here is some information I got on Sweet Woodruff from The Little Guides on Herbs / Weldon Owen Pty. the dried leaves can be used as a fixative in potpourri or in sachets to repel moths and other insects from linen,clothes, mattresses and rugs. Also in herbal pillows for it's soothing scent.
Precautions: May be toxic when taken internally, except when used in alcoholic beverages. Must not be used in excessive quantities, it can cause dizziness and vomiting, and may be carcinogenic
So I wouldn't do any cooking with it or in-jest it in any other way then as an added flavor to wine. Hope this helps.
Thank you very much everyone. Yes, that does help.
I love the flowers, too. They're so dainty and the scent doesn't seem to bother my allergies at all so that's a plus. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to