Coping With Life's Changes a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

another change is the great grandchild coming. That really makes me feel old but then I started young and so have the next two generations so I'm a young Great Now where is that yarn so I can start crocheting a blanket.
Well congratulations great granny. We love our own and when the grandchildren come along they are the grandest little things ever and then the greatgrands come along and you are so over whelmed with love. Each generation is so precious.
My heart is breaking for you and the tears are falling. In the middle of that fall my prayers for you and for Buford. I know these are words and that you need the comfort of God. I will keep you both at the top of my prayer list. May God's hand of peace and healing be upon you and your family.
Congratulations! Wow that is awesome. Nothing like a baby to rejuvenate the heart and spirit
Yep we have another baby on the way here too! My niece's also pregnant....due in I spose that means I'm a also going to be a great great Uncle! Good grief, makes me sound about 95 lol...
John it is the tacking on of those greats that makes one feel especially old. I have to admit I'll be a great grandmother before I qualify for medicare. not too long but still I can't be that old. anyway I'm going to pick out fabric soon to make a quilt for the baby. Sherri started wanting green and now she isn't sure so I will look at some fabric with her. One quilt design coming up.
Maggie, I'm behind on here as my laptop died and I bring one home from owkr once in awhile to use. Waiting until Black Friday before buying a new one.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Buford. Hugs
Thanks young Woody! Lyn yep you're right I can't believe all those greats in front of my name lol. Yet I'll still be working in another 10 years, if I remain healthy and still won't be eligible for the pension! I can get a seniors card now and even that makes me feel old...:D
LOL! I thought I would be ok with this whole age thing. HA! My brain says I am 27 but the body say 97! UGH. Tim and I started this huge project with the intention of doing the work ourselves. I knew he wasn't going to be able to do that much but I thoght I could do it. I am finding out I bit off way more than I can chew.
I just had 3 guys give me estimates on some of the work. My body can't do heavy work anymore :( I will update my project folder when I have something to post. Going pretty slow :rolleyes: Slow and old.
LOL! I thought I would be ok with this whole age thing. HA! My brain says I am 27 but the body say 97! UGH. Tim and I started this huge project with the intention of doing the work ourselves. I knew he wasn't going to be able to do that much but I thoght I could do it. I am finding out I bit off way more than I can chew.
I just had 3 guys give me estimates on some of the work. My body can't do heavy work anymore :( I will update my project folder when I have something to post. Going pretty slow :rolleyes: Slow and old.

Once again our lives are running in an uncanny parallel! Lol.... this is exactly how things are going for us atm. for me other than our roof, it is my kitchen. One of the old cupboards ended up smashed on the floor landing on our daughters foot in the process and today putting up a new one was nearly as big a disaster. Our daughter and her boyfriend were here again to help, thankgoodness. thankfully nothing got damaged this time. it's not nearly done yet but here's a sneak preview, not very good pictures though.

Buford went for the results of his colonoscopy and the polpys weren't cancer. So he's good there.
The Drs. he saw at Vanderbilt said he could not have anymore radiation because he had such an aggressive dose in 2000 (when he had cancer on the other side of his mouth) that it would burn his mouth up. They said chemo would shrink the cancer but when the treatment was over it would start growing again and it would be a waste of time that he doesn't have. Without surgery a matter of months. He said it is a fast growing type and had to be done now. Buford decided to have the surgery and it is scheluded for the 5th of Dec. The Dr. is going to remove the back of his tongue and another Dr. will be standing by to take some skin from his left wrist and do the reconstruction when he finishes. He said it would be a 10 hour surgery. They also said they couldn't be certain how much of his tongue they would have to take because they don't know for sure how deep the cancer is. We go wed. for another c scan and pre opt.
I love the glass Doors, but I never had the nerve to have them. My cupboards never stay organized enough to be on display. LOL You are a very brave woman ;) They look really nice. Glad you had help.

So glad the polyps were not cancer. One blessing there. My heart goes out to you both. What courage Buford has to endure the surgeries he is facing. My heartfelt prayers for you both in this trying time. Know that I think of you often and that you remain a constant on my prayer list. Please let us know how things are going. I will be wondering as the time approaches. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
