Dastardly Rabbits!

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:mad::(:eek: Darn rabbits ate my little lettuce heads. I had 2 rows on mixed lettuce, romaine, bib, butter crunch and red lettuce. I was watching, wating and babying my little heads until they were just right. I went out yesterday as I often do , to cut the outside leaves for a salad and much to my dimay the tops of every head in the garden were muchced down about 1/2 way. Some were all the way to the heart and donw to the stump. I had not been keeping up with my pepper spray because I had not seen any signs. Boy am I mad at myself. They also ate the Cilantro but it is trying to come back. They tasted the broccoli but not much. Funny thing is they did not even stop by the carrots.
Ok vent here about bad bunnies!
It may be time for some rabbit stew!! Since you are feeding them, you may as well eat them!!
Nancy you can rent my rabbit exterminator, her price is a couple of dishes of boiled chicken


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Does your kitty give lessons??? Chess won't even venture outside she says it's too big and scary for kitties. She naps while the bunnies and rotten squirrels cause havac in the garden
I have a puppy that attacks any thing that comes in his back yard. His sister is visiting for a couple of days and they are ready to go out every two minutes. They love to chase the squirrel.
Does your kitty give lessons??? Chess won't even venture outside she says it's too big and scary for kitties. She naps while the bunnies and rotten squirrels cause havac in the garden

I am sure she would love to have a hunting partner or a team. There are hundreds of rabbits here and all summer long she is in her glory. I just hope one of the neighbors don't turn her in or I will have to get her a hunting permit :)
It may be time for some rabbit stew!! Since you are feeding them, you may as well eat them!!

I told Tim he could catch them if he wanted but I didn't want to see them alive and then dead or see them being cleaned. Back in the day I would hunt and clean what ever I killed but something happened and I just can't do it. I keep telling Tim that's what they made grocery stores for. But Anyone who wants to come hunt is welcome only to thin not to totally kill off. Just thin a little.
Nancy you can rent my rabbit exterminator, her price is a couple of dishes of boiled chicken

I have one of those. I must be feeding him too much because he won't hunt anything except my red birds I feed on the deck. Besides these rabbits are as big as he is. So let's talk rental!
I have a puppy that attacks any thing that comes in his back yard. His sister is visiting for a couple of days and they are ready to go out every two minutes. They love to chase the squirrel.

I have 5 yes 5 dogs. they have no interest in hunting. My male use to hunt dillas but now he is too old. So unless my heard thins I won't be getting a hunter.
Bunny Update

I am leaving a dog out all the time, but which is worse? A few bunnies munching lettuce or a dog eating the cilantro? LOL I look out and there she is grazing in the garden like a cow. Still have bunnies sneaking in too. I wish they would eat the weeds in need to pull.
Load up you shot gun and come on down Ron! I'll cook if you kill and clean I just don't want to see you shoot or clean
I'm not a hunter! I found out that I'm not several years ago when a neighbor out at our family cottage was doing some starling shotting. He gave me his gun, I took aim, and picked off a bird! I remember vividly as I looked through the scope, the bird going poof in a cloud of feathers! I handed the gun back to my neighbor and said to him that I would never be a hunter. I felt so bad about the bird going poof I could never do it again!

So it looks like your rabbit will continue filling itself in your veggie garden!!

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