Dejavu Where are you??? a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Hey everyone My friend Vu said she registered today but I can't find her anywheres
Have you seen her?

She is one of my specialist friends and I don't want her to be lost

I told her how great you all are and that you would make her fell right at home

If you find her please let me know

I found her Thanks R&R

Welcome my dear friend!

I know that you are feedin the munchkin right now but maybe after bit you might pop in so everyone can meet ya

"Just watch out for Randy, he can be a lil stinker sometimes!" :p

I know you don't garden much (yet)
but there are alot of wonderful people on here who love to post pictures their beauties

so theirs gonna be lots of pictures to look at if ya don't feel
like readin...;)

So come on in Gitcha an avatar and sit a spell



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I see you sneeking around..don't be shy come out and say Hi'y'all!!

Mz. Curbiez is here and so are Spider,Sandi and Swindy

they won't bite promise Well Mz.Curbies might..but we'll just sit her on her curb :D
NOW I WOULD like to say something in defense of me......We're very glad you have joined us. We do tend to goof off and laugh and pray so we're glad you're here, Vu. I pray you'll stay with us. Welcome ~ Curbie (oh, one of those is my husband)


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yes ma'am Mz. Wolfie :) I'm glad you've invited a friend onto here. Vu is more than welcome by all, I'm sure.


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Hey Wolfie I am glad ya found her cuz I said welcome welcome eariler today
But if I had known she was your friend I mighta been more careful :) :D
Ya know I love ya Ms. Wolfie
Hi blue and everyone else

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. :)

I haven't had time to get familiar with the forum yet but I did want to at least sign up to get started. I'm a stay at home mom and my time online is limited but I promise to go through the forum and get the hang of it...look forward to participating and getting to know everyone.

You're a good friend blue! Have a great day!
Dejavu,,,so glad you have joined us...jump in and enjoy...and by the way Randy really is a big teddy bear...most of the time any ways
Welcome Dajavu, don't be shy, come join us often. We've got a great gardening bunch here and if you don't will soon.
Welcome to the gf!!!

welcome to the GF...i am a beginner too...these folks are soooo nice, if you have a question about gardening there is someone here that can help you! and if you need a little comic relief there's someone here for that too...kick your shoes off, get comfy and enjoy learning a thing or three....tonya
You have a munchkin? What kind and how old? My youngest grandkid is 16.

We have two kids - a 15 year old and a 3 year old. You ask what kind? The bestest kind ;) They are both boys. The oldest likes anything sports, he is a football player in high school and is in advanced honors classes, and the youngest, who stays home with me loves anything to do with super heroes and Toy Story... He's a big helper and likes to help me cook and feed the birdies and we like to play outside. He also likes music so his dad has created a song list on the ipod that is strictly his music so he can listen to his songs in the car so we usually have a sing-a-long when we are out and about on the road.

We rent where we currently live so I have done minimal gardening in this house but I do enjoy it and have had some sort of garden, be it flower, veggie or water in my homes over the years.

My youngest memory of a garden is spending time with my paternal grandmother in her rose and orchid gardens at her home. She used to get up with the rooster call and would be out caring for her gardens before the morning dew dried up. When I would visit her, I spent time learning how to care for her flowers and chickens, but I didn't realize I was also learning about life in the process. The wise woman she was, she also used the time we spent in her gardens sharing about life lessons in general. She was a wonderful teacher, a great gardener and an even better human being. From her I learned many things, but one that stands out is that a rose is a pure example of life - as fragile as the petals are, the flower has a strong stem to support it and with its beauty also comes the thorns - but both have a place and purpose for there is balance in life.
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Hi Dajavu I guess I miss this post some how.But wanted to welcome you to GF.Our Garden Forum Family are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts.
J/K we have a great bunch of folk's here.Just jump in and wade through the weed's you may find a flower or discover something you didn't know you had.:)


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I hadn't heard it put that way, SL, but well put, nonetheless. LOL

That is great about the 15 year old, Vu. It's good to hear of an athlete that is also a scholar. I envy you with that 3-year old though. It is so much fun watching them learn new and exciting things and enjoying that vicariously. My older daughter and her daughter spent the first 6 years of the little one's life living back with us and that little girl became my sidekick. I didn't play kid games with her, but I did adult things and she joined in. Probably the biggest item was building birdhouses. Between her and the other grandkids, we built a few over 50 birhouses and feeders. We would take an occasional weekend and go into wooded areas, churchyards, parks and such and put up birdhouses. Rachel learned to use basic hand tools as a result. Toward the end of those years, she even used the electric drill under my close supervision. Those were great times. She is 21 years old now. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
