Easy fun jello cake

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This is a really easy cake that is fun to make. White cake mix and bake as directed. Once cool, I use the handle of a wooden spoon (round handle) an dpoke holes in the cake. Make up a box of cherry jello and pour it in the holes. Frost with Cool Whip. For the Fourth of July you can put blueberries on top and then when you cut it, it's red, white,& blue. Halloween, sprinkle various 'jimmies' on the top and use orange jello for the inside. My daughter gets one for her birthday. ~ Curbie
OMGosh I have done those cakes forever and we always really love em.
Thanks for reminding me again
I get CRABBERGIRL'S pieces. My daughter (31 y/o non-cook-er) can make a dump cake. She thinks she's Rachel Ray ! ~ Curbie :)
I don't think I have ever baked a cake. Probably not likely I will ever get the urge either. I have a piece of cake once in awhile though if I go to a wedding. I guess I'll start a new series of those in the next few years as the grandkids are getting up to that age.
Seems that people either like to bake or cook. You're really into all of the 'preserving'. I've never made a pie. What did you mean here: "I guess I'll start a new series of those in the next few years as the grandkids are getting up to that age. " My 'fear' with this jello cake is that....i usually 'burn' a white cake :) ~ Curbs
That would be a new series of weddings as they find their true loves. There is one romance going on right now with #2 grand child.
I don't bake cakes anymore but I've had the poke cake more than once for my birthday. We had a time when that was the favorite cake of the family. I only get cake at birthdays and then a very small piece. Cameron likes to eat my frosting for me. It is a game with us. He steals my frosting and I chase him.
I'd stick my fork in his hand :) (kidding). RANDY, YOU could make the wedding cake ! LOL! Thanks, CG ~ that's a true friend :) ~ Curbs
I would have a few years ago but now I welcome anyone taking the sugar away. By the way Cameron is only 4 and we have been doing this since he was 1. He is just so much fun. He is in Pre K this year. My how time goes.
Miss Lyn, you are building memories in that kid's life. It isn't likely he will ever forget those chases.

Curbie, I have never even baked a cake. Now if they ever decide to have wedding pies, I might qualify for that. LOL
why NOT wedding pies? You can stack pies into a tier, right? Man, I THINK you're going to have to work on THAT assignment! LOL! ~ Curbs
But that is against all TRADITION. Remember what Tevye sang about in Fiddler On The Roof?
It doesn't, but if I had a choice between wedding cake and wedding pie, I would have to opt for pie. LOL

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