elderberry wine

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Well-Known Member
Has anyone happen to have some pretty cool elderberry wine recepies out there?? I will be getting myself some elderberries from a friend of mine soon and thought that elderberry wine would be a good place to start making use of them. ( he's giving me quite aload so I will become alittle busy in that department for awhile ) :p
12 quarts boiled water
4 quarts stemmed berries
6 3/4 cups sugar
3 teaspoons ginger
8 who;e cloves
1 pound seeded raisins
1 package yeast
bandy optional

Put hot water on berries for 24 hours, strain through cheese cloth breaking berries to extract juice. Add sugar,ginger, cloves, raisins, boil and simmer 1 hour. Skim frequently, cool to luke warm.measure if using brandy, brandy is 1/2 cup to each 4 quarts of elderberry juice mixture. 1 package to each 16 quarts of mixture, let stand 2 weeks to ferment, bottle, store several months in cool place before using.
Kind of reminds me of "Arsenic And Old Lace". LOL We have that on tape and the grandkids loved it when they got to see it. The high school put that on a couple of years ago and did a good job with the production.
You know what Paul wrote to Timothy, "Use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ills."

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